Tag: mutation

Quizzes Related to mutation

Mutation (Medical Entrance)

Ques 15 0 Taken 0

Bacterial Genetics (GATE - XL)

Ques 15 0 Taken 0


Practice model questions for medical entrance examinations ,CBSE and state board examinations.
Ques 25 0 Taken 0

Story of dolly, the clone - class-X

story of dolly, the clone
Ques 19 0 Taken 0

Cloning - class-XI

Ques 28 0 Taken 0

Human genome project and dna fingerprinting - class-XII

human genome project and dna fingerprinting
Ques 44 0 Taken 0

Genome projects - class-IX

genome projects
Ques 47 0 Taken 0

Human genome project - class-XI

human genome project
Ques 48 0 Taken 0


This quiz covers the topic of Mutations, which are changes in the DNA sequence of an organism. Mutations can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental toxins, radiation, and errors during DNA replication. Mutations can have a wide range of effects, from causing genetic diseases to driving evolution.
Ques 14 0 Taken 0