Tag: quantitative chemistry

Quizzes Related to quantitative chemistry

Atomic weight and molecular weight - class-XII

atomic weight and molecular weight
Ques 16 0 Taken 0

Interpreting a balanced chemical reaction - class-IX

interpreting a balanced chemical reaction
Ques 45 0 Taken 0

Relative formula mass - class-IX

relative formula mass
Ques 37 0 Taken 0

Molecular mass - class-XII

molecular mass
Ques 37 0 Taken 0

Introduction to solutions - class-X

introduction to solutions
Ques 46 0 Taken 0

Law of definite proportions - class-VIII

law of definite proportions
Ques 61 0 Taken 0

Water and its properties - class-VIII

water and its properties
Ques 77 0 Taken 0

Let's play with water - class-IX

let's play with water
Ques 77 0 Taken 0

Avogadro hypothesis - class-XII

avogadro hypothesis
Ques 85 0 Taken 0