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Reformation - Quizzes

Key Figures of the Reformation
Test your knowledge about the key figures who...
Major Events of the Reformation
Major Events of the Reformation
The Catholic Response to the Reformation
The Catholic Response to the Reformation
The Spread of Protestantism
Test your knowledge about the Spread of Protestantism...
The Protestant Reformation in Spain
This quiz will test your knowledge about the...
The Protestant Reformation in Italy
The Protestant Reformation in Italy Quiz
The Protestant Reformation in the Middle East
The Protestant Reformation in the Middle East Quiz
The Legacy of the Reformation
The Reformation was a major religious movement that...
The Impact of the Reformation on Society and Culture
The Reformation was a major religious and cultural...
Theological Controversies of the Reformation
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge...
The Protestant Reformation in Oceania
This quiz aims to test your knowledge and...
The Protestant Reformation in Portugal
The Protestant Reformation in Portugal was a religious...
The Protestant Reformation in Western Europe
The Protestant Reformation was a major religious movement...