Tag: structure of the atom

Quizzes Related to structure of the atom

Trends in the periodic table - class-XI

trends in the periodic table
Ques 22 0 Taken 0

Discovery of neutrons - class-VIII

discovery of neutrons
Ques 24 0 Taken 0

Discovery of charged particles - class-VIII

discovery of charged particles
Ques 30 0 Taken 0

Brief introduction to atoms of elements - class-VIII

brief introduction to atoms of elements
Ques 32 0 Taken 0

Elements and atoms - class-XII

elements and atoms
Ques 37 0 Taken 0

Fundamental particles of an atom - class-XI

fundamental particles of an atom
Ques 42 0 Taken 0

Neutrons - class-XI

Ques 42 0 Taken 0