Tag: structure of the atom

Questions Related to structure of the atom

An atom of each element has a definite combining capacity called : 

  1. valency

  2. affinity

  3. bonding

  4. energy levels

Correct Option: A

An atom of each element has a definite combining capacity called its valency.

For example Na has electronic configuration 2,8,1 
So, valency is 1 as after losing one electron it will have stable octet.

The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are known as :

  1. protons

  2. neutrons

  3. octet

  4. valence electrons

Correct Option: D

The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are known as valence electrons.

The valency of nitrogen in nitrogen dioxide is:

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: D

$(D)$  $ 4$

$Sol. $  let the valency of nitrogen in be $ x$. 
           valency of oxygen = $ -2 $
          For $NO _2 $ it will be ,
                                $ x + 2 \times(-2) = 0 $
                                 $ x = +4 $
Hence, the valency of nitrogen in $ NO _2$ is $ +4 $. 

Valency of magnesium and oxygen in $MgO$ is:

  1. one and one

  2. two and two

  3. one and two

  4. two and one

Correct Option: B

Ans. $(B)$ $(two$ $and$ $two)$

This is because magnesium loses two electrons to have an octet and oxygen gains two electrons to have an octet. The final formula of magnesium oxide is ${MgO}$. So, the valencies magnesium and oxygen in $ {MgO}$ are $2$ and $2$ .

The charge on neutrons is :

  1. $-1.602\times10^{-19}C$

  2. $1.602\times10^{-19}C$

  3. $0$

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Neutrons are neutral. 

They do not have any charge. 

They are electrically neutral.

Hence the correct option is C.

Neutron's relative charge is :

  1. $-1$

  2. $+1$

  3. $0$

  4. $-2$

Correct Option: C

Neutron is a neutral particle.

Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Proton has a positive charge

  2. Neutron has no charge

  3. Electrons are found in regions of the atom called orbitals

  4. Electrons has a greater mass than the protons

  5. Protons and neutrons form the nucleons of the atom

Correct Option: D
Electron has less mass. A proton and a neutron have effectively the same mass. A proton (or a neutron) has approximately 1837 times more massive than an electron.

$ _{7}{X}^{15}$ and $ _{8}{Y}^{15}$ differ in

  1. Physical properties

  2. Chemical properties

  3. Number of neutrons

  4. Number of nucleons

Correct Option: C

The option (C) is the correct answer.
$\displaystyle _{7}{X}^{15}$ and $\displaystyle _{8}{Y}^{15}$ differ in number of neutrons.
Number of neutrons for $\displaystyle _{7}{X}^{15} = 15-7=8$
Number of neutrons for $\displaystyle _{8}{Y}^{15}=15*8=7$
Note: Number of neutrons $\displaystyle =$ mass number $\displaystyle -$ atomic number.

Neutrons are present in all atoms except?

  1. He

  2. C

  3. H

  4. Ne

Correct Option: C

The available hydrogen state ${ H } _{ 1 }^{ 1 }$. It is made of 1 electron, 1 proton and no neutrons. All other elements including isotopes of Hydrogen have neutrons.

Number of neutrons present in $1.7$ g of ammonia is:

  1. $0.8N _A$

  2. $0.7N _A$

  3. $0.652N _A$

  4. $0.52N _A$

Correct Option: B
Let us consider the problem.
For, moles of $N{H _3} = \frac{{1.7}}{{17}} = 0.1$
Let the Neutrons in 1 molecules of $N{H _3} = 7 + 3 \times 0 = 7$
Number of Neurons $= 0.1 \times {N _A} \times 7$
The correct answer is $0.7{N _A}$