Tag: food and human health

Quizzes Related to food and human health

Nourishment and malnutrition - class-VI

Nourishment and malnutrition
Ques 16 0 Taken 0

Adulteration of food - class-VII

adulteration of food
Ques 21 0 Taken 0

Food adulteration - class-X

food adulteration
Ques 21 0 Taken 0

Non infectious diseases - class-VIII

non infectious diseases
Ques 24 0 Taken 0

Food components and deficiency diseases - class-VIII

food components and deficiency diseases
Ques 33 0 Taken 0

Balanced and unbalanced food - class-VI

balanced and unbalanced food
Ques 35 0 Taken 0

Food and human health - class-IX

food and human health
Ques 42 0 Taken 0

Balanced diet - class-VII

balanced diet
Ques 44 0 Taken 0

Nutrition and its need in plants - class-VII

nutrition and its need in plants
Ques 47 0 Taken 0

General functions of food - class-IX

general functions of food
Ques 47 0 Taken 0