Tag: business services 1

Quizzes Related to business services 1

Communication and mass media - - class-XI

communication and mass media
Ques 15 0 Taken 0

Understanding communication and impact of mass media - class-XI

Understanding communication and impact of mass media
Ques 15 0 Taken 0

Meaning, importance and principles of insurance - class-XI

meaning, importance and principles of insurance
Ques 17 0 Taken 0

Transport services - class-XI

transport services
Ques 21 0 Taken 0

Transportation - class-IX

Ques 21 0 Taken 0

Meaning and definition of insurance - class-XII

meaning and definition of insurance
Ques 23 0 Taken 0

Features and principles of insurance - class-XI

features and principles of insurance
Ques 23 0 Taken 0

Meaning and introduction to insurance - class-XI

meaning and introduction to insurance
Ques 23 0 Taken 0

Business risks and insurance - class-XI

business risks and insurance
Ques 1 0 Taken 0

Meaning, nature and importance of services - class-XI

meaning, nature and importance of services
Ques 46 0 Taken 0