French Revolution

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French Revolution - Quizzes

The Napoleonic Wars
Test your knowledge about the Napoleonic Wars, a...
The Reign of Terror
Test your knowledge of the Reign of Terror,...
The Directory
The Directory was the five-person executive body that...
The Storming of the Bastille
Test your knowledge about the Storming of the...
The Consulate
The Consulate was a period of French history...
The French First Republic
Test your knowledge about the French First Republic,...
The Second Republic
The Second Republic was a period in French...
The Napoleonic Empire
Test your knowledge about the Napoleonic Empire, its...
The Fifth Republic
Test your knowledge about the Fifth Republic, a...
The Bourbon Restoration
The Bourbon Restoration was a period in French...
The French Revolution and the Nobility
The French Revolution and the Nobility
The French Revolution and the Working Class
This quiz covers the topic of 'The French...
The July Revolution
The July Revolution was a pivotal moment in...