Tag: vatapi: age of pulakeshin ii

Questions Related to vatapi: age of pulakeshin ii

Who was defeated by Vikramaditya VI?

  1. Rajaraja Chola III

  2. Vishnuvardhana

  3. Narasimha II

  4. Kulothunga Chola II

Correct Option: B

Vishnuvardhana was the important Hoysala king who came after Nrupakama, Ereyanga and Ballala. As a great king of this dynasty, he won Gangavadi from the Cholas and earned the title ‘Talakadugonda’. He tried to expand his kingdom but was defeated by the Chalukyan king Vikramaditya VI.

Ereya was the pre-coronation name of which of the following rulers?

  1. Pulakesin-I

  2. Pulakesin-II

  3. Vikramadithya

  4. Chandragupta Maurya

Correct Option: B

Ereya was the precoronation name of Pulakesin-II.  He was the most famous ruler of Chalukyan Dynasty. He was the fourth Chalukyan Ruler. Most important source of information regarding the rule of Pulakeshin II is provided by Aihole inscription.

Which of the following religions flourished during the reign of Chalukyas of Badami?

  1. Shaivism

  2. Vaishnavism

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Chalukyas of Badami was the earliest Chalukyan Empire founded by Pulakesin-I in sixth century AD. It ruled mostly over Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Shaivism and Vaishnavism religions flourished during the reign of Chalukyas of Badami.

Chalukya dynasty was established by _____.

  1. Pulakesin-I

  2. Vikramaditya I

  3. Vijayaditya

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Chalukyan dynasty is one of the royal dynasty that ruled greater parts of Southern India and central India between 6th and the 12th centuries. Pulakesin I was the founder of this dynasty. Pulakesin-I ruled from AD 535-66 from the hill fort of Vatapi, the capital of Chalukyan dynasty. 

The Aihole inscription was written by the Ravikirti. He was the court poet of king ______.

  1. Pulakesin-I

  2. Pulakesin-II

  3. Vikramadithya

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The Aihole inscription was written by the Ravikirti, who is the court poet of Pulakesin-II. Most important source of information regarding the rule of Pulakeshin II is provided by Aihole inscription. The inscription is one of the finest pieces of poetry written in Sanskrit language and Hale Kannada script.

Chalukya ruler Pulikeshi's victory over Harshavardhana is recorded is a eulogy written by ______ the court poet of Pulikeshi.

  1. Shashanka

  2. Ravikirthi

  3. Rajyashri

  4. Hiuen Tsang

Correct Option: B

Of the four main Chalukya dynasties of early medieval India Pulkesin II, who defeated Harsha, belonged to Chalukya dynasty of ___________.

  1. Anhilwad (Gujarat)

  2. Badami or Vatapi

  3. Vengi

  4. Kalyani

Correct Option: B