Tag: the chalukyas of badami and the pallavas of kanchi

Questions Related to the chalukyas of badami and the pallavas of kanchi

Which of the following place has the monumental structure showing Arjuna's penance?

  1. Kanchipuram

  2. Vatapi

  3. Talakadu

  4. Mahabalipuram

Correct Option: D

The famous monolithic temples of Mahabalipuram are called _____.

  1. Pancha Rathas

  2. Dargahs

  3. Cave temples

  4. Shore temple

Correct Option: A

Who was the last ruler of Pallava Dynasty?

  1. Paramesvarvarman

  2. Narasimhavarman

  3. Aparajitavarman

  4. Mahendravarman

Correct Option: C

Pallava dynasty is a South Indian dynasty that existed from 275 CE to 897 CE. Pallavas served as feudatories to the Satavahana rulers. Aparajitavarman was the last king of the Pallava dynasty. He was killed in 897 CE in a battle against Aditya I, the Chola king.

What was the official language of Pallava dynasty?

  1. Sanskrit

  2. Prakrit

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Pallava dynasty is a South Indian dynasty that existed from 275 CE to 897 CE. Pallavas served as feudatories to the Satavahana rulers. The official languages of Pallava dynasty were Sanskrit and Prakrit.

The Pallava ruler who built the famous Kailash temple at Kanchi and the Shore temple at Mahabalipuram was _______.

  1. Narsimhavarman II

  2. Parmesvarvarman I

  3. Mahendra Varman I

  4. Narsimhavarman

Correct Option: A

The Pallava kings were the makers of the rock-cut temples at __________.

  1. Thanjavur

  2. Mahabalipuram

  3. Khajuraho

  4. Rameswaram

Correct Option: B

Which Pallava king responsible for carving the Rathas of Mahabalipuram?

  1. Simhavarma

  2. Mahendravarman-I

  3. Narasimhavarman I

  4. Both B&C

Correct Option: D