Tag: vectors: lines in two and three dimensions

Quizzes Related to vectors: lines in two and three dimensions

The distance from a point to a line - class-XI

the distance from a point to a line
Ques 40 0 Taken 0

Distance from a point to line - class-XII

distance from a point to line
Ques 40 0 Taken 0

Perpendicular distance of a point from a plane - class-XII

perpendicular distance of a point from a plane
Ques 40 0 Taken 0

Vector equation of line in two dimensions - class-XII

vector equation of line in two dimensions
Ques 54 0 Taken 0

Vector equations of line and plane - class-XI

vector equations of line and plane
Ques 54 0 Taken 0

Vectors: lines in two and three dimensions - class-XI

vectors: lines in two and three dimensions
Ques 54 0 Taken 0