Tag: comparing quantities

Quizzes Related to comparing quantities

Commission,brokerage and discount - class-X

commission,brokerage and discount
Ques 26 0 Taken 0

Inverse proportion - class-XII

inverse proportion
Ques 24 0 Taken 0

Overhead expenses - class-VIII

overhead expenses
Ques 25 0 Taken 0

Introduction to total cost price of the article - class-VII

introduction to total cost price of the article
Ques 27 0 Taken 0

Conversion of fractions and decimals to percentages - class-VI

conversion of fractions and decimals to percentages
Ques 30 0 Taken 0

Profit and loss with overhead expenses - class-XI

profit and loss with overhead expenses
Ques 29 0 Taken 0

Introduction to ratio and percentages - class-VIII

introduction to ratio and percentages
Ques 29 0 Taken 0

Money and metric measures as percentage - class-VIII

money and metric measures as percentage
Ques 33 0 Taken 0

Rule of three - class-VIII

rule of three
Ques 35 0 Taken 0

Types of proportions - class-VI

types of proportions
Ques 35 0 Taken 0