Tag: comparing quantities

Questions Related to comparing quantities

6 dozen eggs are bought for Rs. 48. How much will 132 eggs cost ?

  1. Rs. 78

  2. Rs. 80

  3. Rs. 82

  4. Rs. 88

Correct Option: D

6 dozen eggs = 72 eggs
Let the required amount be Rs. x.


Required amount = $Rs. 88$

The food stocks in a hostel are sufficient for 1200 students for 20 days . If 400 more students joined the hostel , the stocks just for ... days .

  1. 12

  2. 15

  3. 18

  4. 21

Correct Option: B

Let food stock is sufficient for $x$ days.

$M _{1}=1200$
$D _{1}=20$
$M _{2}=1200+400=1600$
$D _{2}=x$
Then, using $M _{1}D _{1}=M _{2}D _{2}$
$1200\times 20 = 1600\times x$
$x=\dfrac{1200\times 20}{1600}$
Therefore, now the food stock is sufficient for $15$ days.

The time taken (in hours) by a car to travel $900km$ if it travels $600 km $ in $12 hrs$.

  1. 18

  2. 16

  3. 15

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Time taken to cover $600km$ is `12 Hrs

Speed of car is given as $\dfrac{600}{12}=50kmph$
Time taken to cover $900km$ is $\dfrac{900}{50}=18hrs$

If 10% of x=20% of y, then $x:y$ is equal to

  1. $1:2$

  2. $2:1$

  3. $5:1$

  4. $10:1$

Correct Option: B

$10$% $x$ = $20$% $y$


$\therefore x:y=2:1$

$33\dfrac { 1 }{ 3 } %\quad of\quad 1\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } $ minute is equal to ___

  1. 2000 seconds

  2. 5000 seconds

  3. 3000 seconds

  4. 6000 seconds

Correct Option: A
$33\dfrac{1}{3}$ minutes$=33\dfrac{1}{3}\times 60$ seconds
$=\dfrac{100}{3}\times 60$ seconds
$=100\times 20$ seconds

What is the sum of two numbers?
I. The bigger of these two numbers is 6 more than the smaller number.
II. 40% of the smaller number is equal to 30% of the bigger number.
III. The ratio between half of the bigger number and one-third of the smaller number is 2 : 1

  1. Only II and III are sufficient

  2. Only I and II are sufficient

  3. I and either II or III is sufficient

  4. All, II and III together are sufficient

Correct Option: C

From the given statements we can make the following equations.
(I) $\Rightarrow y=x+6$
(II) $\Rightarrow 0.4x=0.2y\Rightarrow \frac {x}{y}=\frac {x}{y}=\frac {3}{4}$
(III) $\Rightarrow \frac {y/2}{x/3}=\frac {2}{1}\Rightarrow \frac {y}{x}=\frac {4}{3}\Rightarrow \frac {x}{y}=\frac {3}{4}$
Obviously, question can be solved by using (I) and either (II) or (III) because equations (II) and (III) are same.

The difference between simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 5% per annum is Rs. 122. Find the sum

  1. Rs. 12,200

  2. Rs. 15,000

  3. Rs. 16,500

  4. Rs. 16,000

Correct Option: D

Suppose $sum=P$
Given $CI-SI=Rs. 122$
$P\left (1+\frac {5}{100}\right )^3-P-\left (\frac {P\times 5\times 3}{100}\right )=122$
$P\left (\frac {105^3}{100^3}-1-\frac {15}{100}\right )=122$
$P\left (\frac {7,625}{100^3}\right )=122$
$P=\frac {122\times 100^3}{7,625}=Rs. 16,000$

Two cats Billy and Kitty together catch 60 mice. If Billy catches three mice for every two caught by Kitty, the number of mice caught by Kitty is

  1. 24

  2. 30

  3. 36

  4. 40

Correct Option: A

Ratio of catches by Billy and Kitty is 3 : 2. Therefore,
$5x=60$ or $x=\frac {60}{5}=12$
Number of mice caught by Kitty $=2x=2\times 12=24$

A person spent Rs 564 in buying geese and ducks. If each goose costs Rs 7, each duck Rs 3, and if the total number of birds bought was 108, how many of each did he buy?

  1. 60 and 48

  2. 48 and 36

  3. 48 and 24

  4. 60 and 30

Correct Option: A

In questions of this kind, it is essential to have all quantities expressed in the same denomination; in the present instance, it will be convenient to express the money in rupees.
Let x be the number of geese. Then 108 -x is the number of ducks.
Since each goose costs 7 rupees, x geese cost 7x rupees.
And since each duck costs 3 rupees, 108 -x ducks cost 3(108 -x) rupees.
Therefore, the amount spent is 7x + 3(108 -x) rupees; but the question states that the amount is RsĀ 564. Hence,
$7x + 3(108 -x) = 564$
or $7x + 324 -3x = 564$
or $4x = 240$
Therefore, the number of geese, $x = 60$, and the number of ducks, $108 -x = 48$.

A person invested Rs 1,600 for 3 years and Rs 1,100 for 4 years at the same rate of simple interest. The total interest from these investments was Rs 506. Find the rate percent per annum

  1. 5%

  2. $5\frac {1}{2}$%

  3. 6%

  4. $6\frac {1}{2}$%

Correct Option: B

$P _1=1,600, t _1=3$
$P _2=1,1000, t _2=4$
$SI _1+SI _2=506$
or $\frac {1,600\times 3\times r}{100}+\frac {1,100\times 4\times r}{100}=506$
or $r(4,800+4,400)=506\times 100$
or $r=\frac {506\times 100}{92,000}=5.5$%