Tag: number system

Quizzes Related to number system

Representation of irrational numbers on number line - class-XI

representation of irrational numbers on number line
Ques 18 0 Taken 0

Rational numbers and their decimal expansions - class-VI

rational numbers and their decimal expansions
Ques 18 0 Taken 0

Non-terminating recurring decimals in rational numbers

non-terminating recurring decimals in rational numbers
Ques 20 0 Taken 0

Fundemental theorem of arithmetic - class-VIII

fundemental theorem of arithmetic
Ques 21 0 Taken 0

Comparing decimals - class-V

comparing decimals
Ques 21 0 Taken 0

Comparing and ordering of decimals - class-VII

comparing and ordering of decimals
Ques 22 0 Taken 0

More or less - class-VII

more or less
Ques 22 0 Taken 0

Recalling operations on decimals - class-VI

recalling operations on decimals
Ques 23 0 Taken 0

Rounding off decimals - class-VII

rounding off decimals
Ques 35 0 Taken 0

Real numbers on number line - class-VIII

real numbers on number line
Ques 37 0 Taken 0