Tag: acoustics

Quizzes Related to acoustics

Audible, infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds - class-IX

audible, infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds
Ques 28 0 Taken 0

Problems on sound class-X

problems on sound
Ques 22 0 Taken 0

Sound and light - class-VIII

sound and light
Ques 23 0 Taken 0

Longitudinal vs transverse wave - class-VIII

longitudinal vs transverse wave
Ques 23 0 Taken 0

Different sounds - class-VII

different sounds
Ques 28 0 Taken 0

Audible and inaudible sounds - class-IX

audible and inaudible sounds
Ques 35 0 Taken 0

Comparison of speed of sound with speed of light - class-X

comparison of speed of sound with speed of light
Ques 39 0 Taken 0

Conditions for hearing echo - class-IX

conditions for hearing echo
Ques 56 0 Taken 0

Reverberation - class-IX

Ques 59 0 Taken 0

Introduction to sound waves - class-VIII

introduction to sound waves
Ques 60 0 Taken 0