Chalukyas of kalyani - class-VIII

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Who was the author of Vikramanka charita?

  1. Bilhana

  2. Rana

  3. Bharavi

  4. Vijnaneswra

Correct Option: A
  • Kavi Bilhana was an 11th-century Kashmiri poet. He is known for his love poem, the Caurapañcāśikā.
  • Bilhana left his homeland in search of fame and fortune. He wandered through Mathura, Kanuj, Prayaga, Varanasi, Somnath, Kalyan and Rameswaram but luck eluded him.
  • But while trekking back through Kalyan, Western Chalukya Empire King Vikramaditya VI appointed him as Vidyapathi. Bilhana rewarded his patron by composing in his honor an epic Vikramanka charita.

The Kalyani Chalukya king who shifted the capital from Manyakheta to Kalyana?

  1. Satyasraya

  2. Tailapa II

  3. Someshwara I

  4. Vikramaditya VI

Correct Option: C

 Someshwara - I is one of the important kings of this dynasty. He built a new city called Kalyana and made it his capital. This is today’s Basava Kalyana in Bidar district.

Keertivarman II was defeated by

  1. Tailapa II

  2. Vinayaditya

  3. Dantidurga

  4. Ballala

Correct Option: C

Keertivarman II was steadily undermined by the activities of Rashtrakuta king Dantidurga who was establishing the Rashtrakuta Empire and was therefore defeated by him.

Who defeated the Pallava king Nandivarman and occupied Kanchi?

  1. Mahendravarma I

  2. Narasimhavarma I

  3. Jayasimha

  4. Vikramaditya II

Correct Option: D

Throughout their reign, the Pallavas were in constant conflict with both Chalukyas of Badami in the north and the Tamil kingdoms of Chola and Pandyas in the south. Finally. the Pallava king Nandivarman was finally defeated by the Chola ruler Vikramaditya II in the 9th century CE.

The Arabs invaded on South India during the period of

  1. Parameswara Varma I

  2. Vikramaditya II

  3. Vijayadityaditya

  4. Vinayadity

Correct Option: B

The Chalukyan kings assumed the title of

  1. Avanisimha

  2. Priyadassi

  3. Sri Prithvivallabha

  4. Deviputra

Correct Option: C

All the sovereign rulers of the Chalukya dynasty bore the title Sri Prithvivallabha, which means "the husband of the goddess of fortune and the Earth" (i.e: Vishnu).

The Chalukyan empire was divided into :

  1. Rashtras

  2. Vishayas

  3. Nadus

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

For the purpose of administrative convenience, the kingdom was divided into Rashtra (Mandala), Vishaya, Nadu and Grama. 

The confilict between Kalyani Chalukyas and Cholas for vengi was started during the period of

  1. Bhillama

  2. Satyastraya

  3. Vikramaditya

  4. Krishna

Correct Option: B

Basaveshwara founded the Anubhava mantapa at ____________ in Bidar district.

  1. Basavana Bagewadi

  2. Basavapattana

  3. Basavakalyana

  4. Koodalasangama

Correct Option: C

Before India's independence, Basavakalyana was called Kalyani. After independence and division of states on linguistic basis in 1956, Kalyana was renamed as BasavaKalyana in memory of Vishwaguru Basavanna, a great revolutionary who established Anubhava Mantapa  in 12th century India.

Who among the following were the feudatories of kalyani Chalukyas?

  1. Rashtrakutas

  2. Cholas

  3. Kalachuries

  4. Prathiharas

Correct Option: C

  1. The early Kalachuris of the south were Jains and encouraged Jainism in their kingdom. 
  2. The first notable chief of the Kalachuri family of Karnataka was Uchita. 
  3. While there were several kings who followed him ruling as feudatories of the Kalyani Chalukyas, it was Jogama who became an influential vassal of Vikramaditya VI, being related to the great Chalukya king by matrimony.

Basaveshwara preached in ___ forms.

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 5

Correct Option: B

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

Basaveshwara taught in which of the following forms ?

  1. Soft advise

  2. Harsh criticism

  3. Strict warning

  4. All

Correct Option: D

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

__________ established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 CE.

  1. Basaveshwara

  2. Kalyana

  3. Vighneshwara

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

Basaveshwara declared that __________ is worship.

  1. Devotion

  2. Work

  3. Art

  4. Meditation

Correct Option: B

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

Basaveshwara taught that surrendering oneself to _____________ with total devotion was the only path to salvation.

  1. Ganesha

  2. Vishnu

  3. Shiva

  4. Indra

Correct Option: C

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

Basaveshwara wrote his vachanas in ________ language.

  1. Kannada

  2. Telugu

  3. Malayalam

  4. Sanskrit

Correct Option: A

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

Basaveshwara declared that work is _________.

  1. Essential

  2. Important

  3. Worship

  4. Most Important

Correct Option: C

Basaveshwara was a saint. He preached in three forms: soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning. He taught that surrendering oneself to Shiva with total devotion was the only path to salvation. He declared that work is worship. He established Anubhava Mantapa in 1162 C.E. He wrote his vachanas in simple Kannada that resembled the spoken language of the common people.

Match List-I (Ruling dynasties) with List-II (Capitals) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-II
A. The Chalukyas of Gujarat 1. Tripuri
B. The Kalachuris of Chedi 2. Anhilwad
C. The Paramaras of Malwa 3. Ajmer
D. The Chahamans of Shakambari 4. Dhar
  1. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

  2. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

  3. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

  4. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

Correct Option: B

Rashtrakutas were the feudatories of __________.

  1. Cholas

  2. Pandyas

  3. Kalyani Chalukyas or Western Chalukyas

  4. Pallavas

Correct Option: C
The Western Chaluya kingdom is referred to as Kalyani Chalukya or Kannadiga dynasty. Rashtrakutas were feudatories of Chalukya of Badami. In the mid-eighth century, Dantidurga, a Rashtrakuta chief, overthrew his Chalukya overlord and went on to build an empire. After the Chalukyas of Badami were destroyed by Dantidurga, they revived after two centuries in around 973AD. It lasted for two centuries and was formed by Taila II after defeating the last Rashtrakuta ruler Kakka II.

Who was the founder of Kalyani Chalukyas?

  1. Krishnadevaraya

  2. Rajendra I

  3. Mahendra II

  4. Tailapa II

Correct Option: D
Tailapa-II who had been a tributary king of the Rashtrakutas, defeated the Rashtrakuta king, Karka -II. He captured Manyakheta and established the kingdom of the Kalyana Chalukyas. He ruled for approximately 24 years. 

Kalyani Chalukya kingdom was established in _______.

  1. 973 A.D

  2. 1012 A.D

  3. 783 A.D

  4. 1106 A.D

Correct Option: A

The Western Chaluya kingdom is referred to as Kalyani Chalukya. After the Chalukyas of Badami were destroyed by Dantidurga, they revived after two centuries in around 973AD. This was known as Chalukyas of Kalyani. It lasted for two centuries and was formed by Taila II after defeating the last Rashtrakuta ruler Kakka II.

After the decline of the Chalukya kingdom of Kalyani at the close of the 12th and of the Chola kingdom at the beginning of the 13th century, the new kingdoms which arose in South India were ____________.

  1. Yadavas of Devagiri and Kakatiyas of Warangal

  2. Hoysalas of Dwarsamudra and Pandyas of Madurai

  3. Both (a) and (b) above

  4. Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms

Correct Option: C

The dynasty that succeeded the Chalukyas in Western India was that of the.

  1. Cholas

  2. Kakatiyas

  3. Pallavas

  4. Rashtrakutas

Correct Option: D

Who is known as Father of Karnataka music? 

  1. Kanaka Dasa

  2. Purandara Dasa

  3. Raghavanka

  4. Sarvagna

Correct Option: B

Purandara Dasa (1484–1564) is referred to as the Pitamaha (the father or grandfather) of Karnataka(Carnatic) music as he formulated the basic lessons in teaching Carnatic music.

The Bramhagiri edict in Chitradurga belongs to which Emperor?

  1. Kadamba

  2. Ashoka

  3. Amoghavarsha

  4. Pulikeshi

Correct Option: B
This site was first explored by Benjamin L. Rice in 1891, who discovered rock edicts of Emperor Ashoka here. These rock edicts indicated that the locality was termed as Isila and denoted the southernmost extent of the Mauryan empire.

The founder of Kadamba kingdom was .................

  1. Mayuravarma

  2. Simuka

  3. Gunadya

  4. Satakarni

Correct Option: A

The Kadamba is the first dynasty to be established in Karnataka. Their capital was Banavasi which is in today’s North canara district. Mayurasharma was the  founder and a great king of this dynasty. 

Mayuravarma established the Kadamba kingdom by defeating the .................

  1. Kushans

  2. Pallavas

  3. Mauryas

  4. Vardhans

Correct Option: B

 When Mayura Sharma was insulted by the Pallava king, Shivaskanda Varma, he adopted the Kshatriya way of life and became Mayuravarma. He defeated the Pallavas in a war and established the Kadamba Empire. He is the pride of all Kannadigas. 

The Halmidi inscription, the earliest known epigraph that showed the early usage of Kannada script belongs to which of the following Kadamba rulers

  1. Mayurasharma

  2. Kakusthavarma

  3. Santivarma

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The Halmidi inscription, the earliest known epigraph that showed the early usage of Kannada script belongs to Kakusthavarma who ruled between the years 435 CE to 455 CE. The stone inscription found at Halmidi has been assigned to 450 CE. 

Talagunda inscription of Kadamba dynasty belongs to which of the following ruler

  1. Mayurasharma

  2. Kakusthavarma

  3. Santivarma

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Talagunda inscription of Kadamba dynasty belongs to Santivarma. This is one of the earliest inscriptions. This inscription gives major information about the Kadamba dynasty especially about its founders.

The Kadamba fame reached its peak during the rule of 

  1. Gauthami Puthra Sathakarni

  2. Mayurasharma

  3. Kakusthavarma

  4. Sri Krishna Devaraya

Correct Option: C

Kadamba dynasty was an ancient Brahmin dynasty of Karnataka. The dynasty was founded by Mayurasharma in 345 CE. This rule lasted till 525 CE. Its fame reached to maximum during the reign of Kakusthavarma.

With reference to the Kadamba Dynasty, what do the terms - 'agraharas', 'brahmapuris' and 'ghatikas' refer to?

  1. Religious centers

  2. Educational centers

  3. Devotional centers

  4. Relaxation retreats

Correct Option: B

The Kadambas laid the foundation for architecture in Karnataka. They built many temples and basadis in Banavasi. During this period, educational centres like agraharas, brahmapuris and ghatikas were established. The main agraharas of that time were found in Talagunda and Balligave. The agraharas were like residential schools.

The capital of the Kadambas was .................

  1. Talakad

  2. Hanagal

  3. Banavasi

  4. Shravanabelagola

Correct Option: C

The Kadambas of Hangal was a South Indian dynasty during the Late Classical period on the Indian subcontinent, which originated in the region of Karnataka. It was founded by Mayurasharma in 345 AD. Banavasi was the capital of the dynasty. They established themselves there in A.D. 345 and ruled for two centuries.

Consider the following statements regarding Karnataka:
1. The Halmidi inscription is the oldest known Kannada language inscription in the Kannada language.
2. It is believed that the Halmidi inscription was allegedly written during the reign of Kadamba king Kakustavarman.
Which of the above statements is/are true? 

  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. Both 1 & 2

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

 Kannada was the language of the people. The ancient Halmidi inscription shows the characteristics of the Kannada language which was in use in the 5th century. This has been the first inscription available in Kannada.

Which of the following is/are contribution/s of the Kadamba dynasty of Karnataka?

  1. They encouraged agriculture and trade.

  2. They ensured political unity for three hundred years.

  3. They gave importance to patriarchy and undivided family.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The Kadamba made special contributions to Karnataka and Indian culture. There was political unity for around three hundred years under the Kadamba rule. Royal priests, ministers, and military generals played a significant role in the administration. For administrative ease, provincial officers had been appointed to look after the provinces.
Land revenue was the main source of income in the kingdom. The occupations such as carpentry, goldsmithy, blacksmithy, weaving, oil-extraction, pottery were the main ones in the society. There was greater encouragement for agriculture and trade. Most of the people followed varnashrama. Greater importance was given to patriarchy and undivided family.

Why did Mayurasharma change his name to Mayuravarma?

  1. He adopted the kshatriya way of life when insulted by the Pallava king Shivaskanda Varma

  2. He had a spiritual awakening

  3. He wanted to establish diplomatic relations with the kingdom of Shivaskanda Varma

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Kadamba dynasty was the first dynasty to be established in Karnataka. Their capital was Banavasi which is in today's North Canara district. Mayurasharma was the founder and a great king of this dynasty. When Mayura Sharma was insulted by the Pallava king, Shivaskanda Varma, he adopted the kshatriya way of life and became Mayuravarma. He defeated the Pallavas in a war and established the Kadamba empire. He is the pride of all Kannadigas.

Kailasha temple of Ellora was built by?

  1. Krishna I

  2. Krishna II

  3. Ramakrishna I

  4. Ramakrishna II

Correct Option: A

Kailasha temple of Ellora is a mixture of both Chalukya and Pallava style of architecture. Kailasha temple was originally built by Rashtrakuta king Krishna I. 

The Kadamba dynasty was founded by _______________.

  1. Sri Krishna Devaraya

  2. Gauthami Puthra Sathakarni

  3. Mayurasharma

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Kadamba dynasty was an ancient Brahmin dynasty of Karnataka. The dynasty was founded by Mayurasharma in 345 CE. This rule lasted till 525 CE.

Which of the following kings of Kadamba dynasty adopted Jainism?

  1. King Shivakoti

  2. Mayurasharma

  3. Kakusthavarma

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Kadamba dynasty was an ancient Brahmin dynasty of Karnataka. The dynasty was founded by Mayurasharma in 345 CE. This rule lasted till 525 CE. After a vast blood shed King Shivakoti adopted Jainism.

Aihole was the capital of the Pallavas.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Aihole, the capital of the Chalukyas, was an important trading centre. It developed as a religious centre, with a number of temples.

The Kalyani chalukya king who supported the claim of Vijayaditya VII to the throne of Vengi

  1. Krishna

  2. Mahendra

  3. Jayasimha II

  4. Amoghavarsha

Correct Option: C
  • Jayasimha II was a king who succeeded his brother Vikramaditya V on the Western Chalukya throne.
  • With the intent of reducing Chola power in Vengi, Jayasimha II interfered in Vengi after the death of its incumbent King Vimaladitya and installed Vimaladitya's son of his choice, Vijayaditya II on the throne.

The paramara king Munja who was defeated and killed by Tailapa II

  1. Bhoja

  2. Munja

  3. Chandradeva

  4. Mahipala

Correct Option: B

Who among the following were the feudatories of Kalyani Chalukyas 

  1. Rastrakutas

  2. Cholas

  3. Kalachuries

  4. Prathiharas

Correct Option: C

Who was greatest among Kalyani Chalukya kings?

  1. Vijayasimha

  2. Krishna

  3. Jayaditya

  4. Vikramditya VI

Correct Option: D
Vikramaditya-VI son of Someshwara-I, is the greatest king of this dynasty. He was an extremely courageous warrior and an excellent administrator. He began the ‘Chalukya Vikrama era’ in 1076 A.D. He suppressed the revolt of the Hoysala King Vishnuvardhana. He had established contact with the Srilankan King Vijayabahu. 

The Kalyani chalukya king who was defeated by Bijjala of Kalachuri?

  1. Tailapa II

  2. Tailapa III

  3. Krishna II

  4. Krishna III

Correct Option: B
Tailapa III  succeeded Jagadhekamalla II to the Western Chalukya throne. 
His rule saw the beginning of the end of the Chalukya empire. 
Kakatiya dynasty Prolla II warred with him, defeated and took the Chalukya king captive. 
This resulted in other feudatories rising against the Chalukyas. The Seuna and the Hoysala started to take away territory. Kalachuri Bijjala II captured the regal capital Kalyani in 1157 when Tailapa III had to flee to Annigeri (Dharwad district). Finally, Tailapa III was killed by Hoysala Vira Narasimha in 1162.

What was the capital of Kalyani Chalukyas?

  1. Madhurai

  2. Badami

  3. Kanchi

  4. Kalyana 

Correct Option: D
 Someshwara - I is one of the important kings of this dynasty. He built a new city called Kalyana and made it his capital. This is today’s Basava Kalyana in Bidar district.
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