Tag: chalukyas of badami

Questions Related to chalukyas of badami

Who was the author of Vikramanka charita?

  1. Bilhana

  2. Rana

  3. Bharavi

  4. Vijnaneswra

Correct Option: A
  • Kavi Bilhana was an 11th-century Kashmiri poet. He is known for his love poem, the Caurapañcāśikā.
  • Bilhana left his homeland in search of fame and fortune. He wandered through Mathura, Kanuj, Prayaga, Varanasi, Somnath, Kalyan and Rameswaram but luck eluded him.
  • But while trekking back through Kalyan, Western Chalukya Empire King Vikramaditya VI appointed him as Vidyapathi. Bilhana rewarded his patron by composing in his honor an epic Vikramanka charita.

The Kalyani Chalukya king who shifted the capital from Manyakheta to Kalyana?

  1. Satyasraya

  2. Tailapa II

  3. Someshwara I

  4. Vikramaditya VI

Correct Option: C

 Someshwara - I is one of the important kings of this dynasty. He built a new city called Kalyana and made it his capital. This is today’s Basava Kalyana in Bidar district.

Keertivarman II was defeated by

  1. Tailapa II

  2. Vinayaditya

  3. Dantidurga

  4. Ballala

Correct Option: C

Keertivarman II was steadily undermined by the activities of Rashtrakuta king Dantidurga who was establishing the Rashtrakuta Empire and was therefore defeated by him.

Who defeated the Pallava king Nandivarman and occupied Kanchi?

  1. Mahendravarma I

  2. Narasimhavarma I

  3. Jayasimha

  4. Vikramaditya II

Correct Option: D

Throughout their reign, the Pallavas were in constant conflict with both Chalukyas of Badami in the north and the Tamil kingdoms of Chola and Pandyas in the south. Finally. the Pallava king Nandivarman was finally defeated by the Chola ruler Vikramaditya II in the 9th century CE.

The Arabs invaded on South India during the period of

  1. Parameswara Varma I

  2. Vikramaditya II

  3. Vijayadityaditya

  4. Vinayadity

Correct Option: B

The Chalukyan kings assumed the title of

  1. Avanisimha

  2. Priyadassi

  3. Sri Prithvivallabha

  4. Deviputra

Correct Option: C

All the sovereign rulers of the Chalukya dynasty bore the title Sri Prithvivallabha, which means "the husband of the goddess of fortune and the Earth" (i.e: Vishnu).

The Chalukyan empire was divided into :

  1. Rashtras

  2. Vishayas

  3. Nadus

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

For the purpose of administrative convenience, the kingdom was divided into Rashtra (Mandala), Vishaya, Nadu and Grama. 

The confilict between Kalyani Chalukyas and Cholas for vengi was started during the period of

  1. Bhillama

  2. Satyastraya

  3. Vikramaditya

  4. Krishna

Correct Option: B

Basaveshwara founded the Anubhava mantapa at ____________ in Bidar district.

  1. Basavana Bagewadi

  2. Basavapattana

  3. Basavakalyana

  4. Koodalasangama

Correct Option: C

Before India's independence, Basavakalyana was called Kalyani. After independence and division of states on linguistic basis in 1956, Kalyana was renamed as BasavaKalyana in memory of Vishwaguru Basavanna, a great revolutionary who established Anubhava Mantapa  in 12th century India.

Who among the following were the feudatories of kalyani Chalukyas?

  1. Rashtrakutas

  2. Cholas

  3. Kalachuries

  4. Prathiharas

Correct Option: C

  1. The early Kalachuris of the south were Jains and encouraged Jainism in their kingdom. 
  2. The first notable chief of the Kalachuri family of Karnataka was Uchita. 
  3. While there were several kings who followed him ruling as feudatories of the Kalyani Chalukyas, it was Jogama who became an influential vassal of Vikramaditya VI, being related to the great Chalukya king by matrimony.