Historical Documents and Treaties

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Historical Documents and Treaties - Quizzes

The Treaty of Nijmegen: Ending the Franco-Dutch War
The Treaty of Nijmegen was a series of...
The Treaty of Paris (1763): Concluding the Seven Years' War
The Treaty of Paris (1763) was a peace...
The Magna Carta: A Landmark in Constitutional History
The Magna Carta: A Landmark in Constitutional History
The Gettysburg Address: A Call for Unity and Renewal
The Gettysburg Address is a speech delivered by...
The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle: Ending the War of the Austrian Succession
The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle was signed on October...
The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty: Regulating Central American Canals
The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty was a significant agreement between...
The Louisiana Purchase: Expanding the Boundaries of the United States
The Louisiana Purchase was a landmark deal in...
The Bill of Rights: Safeguarding Individual Liberties
The Bill of Rights: Safeguarding Individual Liberties
The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis: Ending the Italian Wars
Test your knowledge about the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis,...
The Homestead Act: Encouraging Western Settlement
The Homestead Act: Encouraging Western Settlement
The Webster-Ashburton Treaty: Resolving Boundary Disputes with Canada
The Webster-Ashburton Treaty: Resolving Boundary Disputes with Canada
The Treaty of Versailles: Shaping the Aftermath of World War I
The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty...
The Treaty of Ryswick: Ending the Nine Years' War
Test your knowledge about the Treaty of Ryswick,...
The Treaty of Paris: Ending the American Revolutionary War
Test your knowledge about the Treaty of Paris,...
The Declaration of Independence: A Foundation of American Liberty
The Declaration of Independence is a pivotal document...
The Treaty of Utrecht: Concluding the War of the Spanish Succession
Test your knowledge about the Treaty of Utrecht,...
The Treaty of Portsmouth: Resolving the Russo-Japanese War
Test your knowledge about the Treaty of Portsmouth,...
The Treaty of Ghent: Ending the War of 1812
The Treaty of Ghent was a peace treaty...
The Monroe Doctrine: Asserting American Influence in the Western Hemisphere
The Monroe Doctrine: Asserting American Influence in the...
The Treaty of Tordesillas: Dividing the Non-European World
The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement between...
The Peace of Westphalia: Ending the Thirty Years' War
The Peace of Westphalia was a series of...
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Acquiring Mexican Territories
Test your knowledge on the Treaty of Guadalupe...