Tag: cell discovery

Questions Related to cell discovery

Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

Column - I Column - II
A. Leeuwenhoek (i) First saw and described a living cell
B. Robert Brown (ii) Presence of cell wall is unique to plant cells
C. Schleiden (iii) Discovered the nucleus
D. Schwann (iv) All plants are composed of different kinds of cell
  1. $A - (i), B - (iii), C - (iv), D - (ii)$

  2. $A - (i), B - (iii), C - (ii), D - (iv)$

  3. $A - (iii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (ii)$

  4. $A - (i), B - (iv), C - (ii), D - (iii)$

Correct Option: A
  • The first man to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton Von Leeuwenhoek.
  • Robert Brown was responsible for discovering the nucleus of a cell.
  • Matthias Jakob Schleiden started that all parts of the plant organism are composed of different kinds of cell.
  • Theodor Schwann studied that cells had a thin outer layer which is today known as plasma membrane. He also concluded that the plant shows the presence of a cell wall is a unique character of plant cells.
  • So, the correct option is " A-(i), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(ii).
The figures of cork cells as seen by Robert Hooke were published in the book.
  1. Origin of species

  2. Species plantarum

  3. Genera plantarum

  4. Micrographia

Correct Option: D

In 1665 Robert Hooke published his book Micrographia which detailed his observations and included drawings. This book was the first important work on microscopy, the study of objects through a microscope. At the end of the book, there are observations of the stars and moon as seen through a telescope.

So, the correct answer is " Micrographia ".

Unicellular microscopic organisms were first studied by _____________.
  1. Robert Hooke

  2. Priestley

  3. Pasteur

  4. Leeuwenhoek

Correct Option: D

Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch naturalist was the first to observe and describe various unicellular microorganisms like bacteria, protozoa etc. along with animal cells like RBCs, muscles fibres, through a specialized lens designed by him.

So, the correct answer is 'Leeuwenhoek'

Omnis cellula e cellulae i.e., new cells arise from pre-existing cells, this statement was given by
  1. Schleiden and Schwann

  2. Rudolf Virchow

  3. Robert Brown

  4. Robert Hooke

Correct Option: B

Rudolf Virchow modified the cell theory and gave the concept of 'omnis cellula e cellulae' - means new cells develop by division of the pre-existing cells. This is called theory of cell lineage or common ancestry.

So, the correct answer is 'Rudolf Virchow'.

The figures of cork cells as seen by Robert Hooke were published in the book

  1. Origin of species

  2. Species plantarum

  3. Genera plantarum

  4. Micrographia

Correct Option: D
  • The  cork cells seen by Robert Hooke were published in his book  'Micrographia'. It was published in January 1665. It was the first book which illustrate the microscopic view of plants and insects. 
  • Origin of species is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin . It was published on 24 November 1859.
  • Species Plantarum list every species of plant known at that time. This is a book by Carl Linnaeus , originally published in 1753. 
  • Genera Plantarum is a fifth edition of book Species Plantarum .

Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below:

Column I Column II
(A) Leeuwenhoek (i) First saw and described a living cell
(B) Robert Brown (ii) Presence of cell wall is unique to plant cells
(C) Schleiden (iii) Discovered the nucleus
(D) Schwann (iv) All plants are composed of different kinds of cell
  1. (A)- (i); B- (iii); C- (iv),; D- (ii)

  2. (A)- (i); B- (iii); C- (iv),; D- (iv)

  3. (A)- (iii); B- (i); C- (iv),; D- (ii)

  4. (A)- (i); B- (iv); C- (iv),; D- (iii)

Correct Option: B
  • Anton Von Leeuwenhoek first saw and described a living cell.
  • Robert Brown later discovered the nucleus.
  • Schleiden observed that all plants are composed of different kinds of cell which form the tissues of the plant . 
  •  Schwann observed that presence of cell wall is unique character of plant cells.
  • So, the correct option is 'Option B'.

________ are an exception to cell theory.

  1. Bacteria

  2. Fungi

  3. Virus

  4. Lichen

Correct Option: C

Virus are an exception to cell theory. Because of the following reasons

1. The viruses are non-cellular organism that are characterized by having an inert crystalline structure outside the cell. 
2. Once they infect a cell they take over the machinery of the host cell to replicate themselves, killing the host.
So, the correct answer is 'Virus'.

Omnis cellulae cellualae i.e., new cells arise from pre-existing cells; this statement was given by ______.

  1. Schleiden and Schwann

  2. Rudolf Virchow

  3. Robert Brown

  4. Robert Hooke

Correct Option: B

Rudolf Virchow modified the cell theory of gave the concept of 'omnis cellule e cellulae'- means new cells develop by division of the pre-existing cells. This is called theory of cell lineage or common ancestry.

Cells are the .......... structural units of living organism.

  1. Largest

  2. Smallest

  3. Oldest

  4. Newest

Correct Option: B

  • Cells are called the smallest structural and functional unit of life because all the living organisms are made up of cells and also all the functions taking place inside the body of organisms are performed by cells. 

So, the correct answer is option B.

Most of the cells are ........... in size and are not visible to the unaided eye.

  1. Microscopic 

  2. Macroscopic 

  3. Regular

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

  • The cells are microscopic in size and are not visible to the unaided eye with the size from 0.5 micrometers to 50 micrometers. 
  • They need to be enlarged or magnified by a microscope. 
  • The electron microscope discovered by Knoll and Ruska was able to magnify the cellular structure.
So, the correct answer is option A.