Tag: metallic and electrolytic conduction

Questions Related to metallic and electrolytic conduction

Which of the following is an insulator?

  1. Wood

  2. Iron

  3. Graphite

  4. Silver

Correct Option: A

Insulators donot conduct electricity due to the absence of ions or electrons.

Iron is metal therefore has pool of electrons on the surface and is a conductor.
Graphite has extensive $\pi$ electron cloud and is thus a conductor.
Silver is a metal and is a very good conductor of electricity.
Wood is made of organic molecule, thus its an insulator.
Option A is correct


  1. conduct electricity.

  2. do not conduct electricity.

  3. conduct electricity only at low temperatures.

  4. conduct electricity at room temperature.

Correct Option: B

What is [CN-] in a solution prepared by mixing 100ml 0.1M $KCN$ and 100ml 0.1M $HCl$. (Ka of $HCN$ is 510^-6 M)?

  1. $5\times10^{-4} M$

  2. $2\times10^{-6} M$

  3. $2\times10^{-5} M$

  4. $4 \times10^{-6} M$

Correct Option: C

A compass placed in an electric field will be deflected due to:

  1. heating effect of current

  2. magnetic effect of current

  3. conducting effect

  4. resistance of the needle to the electric field

Correct Option: B

An electric current causes a magnetic field around it just like a magnet causes a magnetic field. When you moved the compass near an electric field, the magnetic field produced due to the electric field deflects the compass.

Hence, the correct option is $\text{B}$

Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?

  1. Tap water

  2. Distilled water

  3. Sea water

  4. Rain water

Correct Option: A,C,D
Sea water, tap water, and rainwater comprise of salt and many other impurities whereas distilled is void of such impurities. 

Those impurities, act as ions and help in the transfer of charge.
Hence, they are good conductor of electricity.

Distilled water is highly purified water that does not contain any salts. Hence, it do not conduct electricity.

Therefore, option A, C and D are correct.

Which of the following does not conduct electricity ?

  1. Molten NaoH

  2. Molten KOH

  3. Solid NaCI

  4. Aqueous NaCI

Correct Option: C

A Coordinates complex has the formula $PtCl.2KCl$. Electrical conductance measurements indicate the pressure of three ion in one formulaa unit. Treatment with $AgNO _{3}$ produces no precipiate of $AgCl$. What is the coordinates no of $Pt$ this complex?

  1. $6$

  2. $5$

  3. $4$

  4. $3$

Correct Option: B

An acidic solution of Cu+ salt containing 0.4 g of Cu+ is electrolysed until all the Cu is deposited. The electrolysis is continued for 7 more minutes with volume of the solution kept at 100 ml and the current at 1.2 amp. Calculate volume of the gases evolved at NTP during entire electrolysis( atomic weight of Cu= 63.6)

  1. H2 = 68.32 ; O2 = 85.23 ml

  2. H2 = 40.34 ; O2 =70.12 ml

  3. H2= 51.46 ; O2 = 90.12 ml

  4. H2=58.46 ; O2 = 99.68 ml

Correct Option: D

An electrolytic cell was set up. Distilled water is placed in the cell and battery is switched on. The bulb is also connected through a battery. The bulb will:

  1. glow

  2. not glow

  3. partially glow

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Distilled water is a bad conductor of electricity. It do not contains any impurities to carry the current. So the circuit will not be completed for the bulb to glow.

Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?

  1. $HCOOH$

  2. $CH _3Cl$

  3. $C _2H _5OH$

  4. $KOH$

Correct Option: D

KOH being a strong base is a good conductor of electricity.