Tag: uses of plants as medicine

Questions Related to uses of plants as medicine

Rauwolfia serpentina belongs to family

  1. Rubiaceae

  2. Solanaceae

  3. Malvaceae

  4. Apocyanaceae

Correct Option: D

From which part of Cinchona a drug is obtained

  1. Pericarp

  2. Endosperm

  3. Leaf

  4. Bark

Correct Option: D

The drug "artimisinin" is obtained from

  1. Tuberous roots

  2. Flowers or floral buds

  3. Bark

  4. Leaves

Correct Option: B

The 'truth drug' scopolamine which was used extensively in the World War II, is obtained from

  1. Eucalyptus

  2. Digitalis purpurea

  3. Datura stramonium

  4. Papaver somniferum

Correct Option: C

The drug santonin is obtained from the flowers of

  1. Artemisia cina

  2. Aloe vera

  3. Atropa belladonna

  4. Colchicum automnales

Correct Option: A

Charaka is usually known as the father of Indian medicine. However it is not generally known that he also tried to list the names of all animals and plants then known to science. How many animals did he list in this Cbaraka Samhita?

  1. 1,000

  2. 750

  3. 380

  4. 2,002

Correct Option: C

Born in 300 BC Acharya Charak  was one of the principal contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, a system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India. Acharya Charak  has been crowned as the Father of Medicine. His renowned work, the “Charak Samhita“, is considered as an encyclopedia of Ayurveda. Also tried to list the names of all animals and plants are 380 number. So, the correct option is"C" (380).

"Central drug research institute" is situated at

  1. Lucknow

  2. Madras

  3. Bombay

  4. Delhi

Correct Option: A

Heroin is obtained from the plant of

  1. Poppy

  2. Tobacco

  3. Datura

  4. Cannabis sps.

Correct Option: A

Opium of commerce made from poppy, is

  1. Latex

  2. Resin

  3. Tannin

  4. Gum

Correct Option: A

Which of the plant yield the drug belladonna

  1. Atropa belladona

  2. Papaver somniferum

  3. Acacia arabica

  4. Phoenix sylvestris

Correct Option: A