Tag: international development

Questions Related to international development

Which of the following is not a sparsely populated region?

  1. Arizona Desert

  2. Gobi Desert

  3. Ladakh Desert

  4. Ukraine

Correct Option: D

The Countries of Western and Central Europe are _________.

  1. Densely populated

  2. Moderately populated

  3. Sparsely populated

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The countries of South and South- East Asia are _______.

  1. Densely populated

  2. Moderately populated

  3. Sparsely populated

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The countries that are densely populated in the world has more than 200 persons on every sq km. These are the North -Eastern part of U.S.A., North-Western part of Europe, South, South-East and East Asia. The marginal lands in many parts of South and East Asia have been brought under cultivation, and many former pastoral ranges in Southwest and Central Asia are now irrigated, the broad ecological factors touched upon above have continued to give rise to geographic variations in population and economic activity.

Which among the following is the least densely populated country?

  1. Netherland

  2. Greenland

  3. England

  4. Scotland

Correct Option: B

Climate has a great impact on human beings. Human beings prefer to live in a place with normal temperature and rainfall. Excessive coldness or hotness in the climate affects the population of the area. Thus, Greenland being a place with excessive coldness is the least densely populated country in the world. 

Enclosures in England were seen as _________________.

  1. hindrance to agricultural expansion and crop rotation.

  2. hindrance to commercialization of agriculture.

  3. necessary to make long-term investment on land, agriculture and to plan crop rotation to improve the soil.

  4. necessary to protect the interests of those who depended on the commons for their survival.

Correct Option: C

Enclosures in England were seen as necessary to make long term investments on land and plan crop rotations to improve the soil. Enclosures also allowed the richer landowners to expand the land under their control and produce more for the market. 

Hence, the correct option is $\text{C}$

Over population is a situation when the ________.

  1. Resources are too much for the size of population

  2. Resources are too few for the size of population

  3. Emigration is more than immigration

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Population of how many countries had crossed one billion mark by the year 2011?

  1. 3

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Which among the following countries was the first in the world to officially sponsor family planning programmes to control population?

  1. China

  2. Venezuela

  3. India

  4. Myanmar

Correct Option: C

India is the first country in the world to have adopted an official policy favouring family planning. Before it did so in 1951, a number of social reformers, thinkers and voluntary organisations had desired the government to adopt a policy of population control as a measure to protect the health of the mother.

What was the life expectancy in India in the year $2000$?

  1. $44$ years

  2. $54$ years

  3. $64$ years

  4. $74$ years

Correct Option: C

When ______ began to develop, it enabled a steady growth of population.

  1. Agriculture

  2. Fishing

  3. Herding

  4. Hunting

Correct Option: A

Even with the absence of market and exchange economy, only the introduction of agriculture enabled the steady growth of population. In this period, the development of agriculture and livestock ranching encouraged spread of population from Mediterranean and South-West Asia to  Central Asia, China, India and even in far east Asia.