Tag: agriculture and types of crops

Questions Related to agriculture and types of crops

33 percent of India's (Gross Domestic Products) comes from :

  1. Industry

  2. Agriculture

  3. Export

  4. Small-scale cottage industries

Correct Option: B

33 percent of India's Gross Domestic Products comes from agriculture as the agriculture is contributing in India's national income more and more very fastly. 

So, the correct option is 'Option B' .

Which one of the following can be used as biofertiliser in cotton field ?

  1. Azolla-Anabaena

  2. Streptococcus

  3. Azosphillum

  4. Azotobacter chroocoocurn

Correct Option: D

Cotton is a dicotyledonous crop. The best biofertiliser for cotton is Bacillus cereus and Azotobacter chroococcum. These are free-living $N _2$ fixing bacteria and enhance the fertility of the soil.

Major percentage of India's Gross Domestic Product is constituted by 

  1. industry

  2. agriculture

  3. export

  4. small scale cottage industry.

Correct Option: B

India is an agricultural country. Agriculture accounts for approximately 33% of India's GDP and employs nearly 62% of the population. Therefore, a major percentage of India's Gross Domestic Product is constituted by agriculture.

So, the correct option is 'Option B'.

Crops which are grown in the winter season are called as 

  1. Rabi crops

  2. Kharif crops

  3. Cash crops

  4. Zaid crops

Correct Option: A

Some of the crops are grown in the winter season, they are called as the rabi crops. Seeds of these crops are sown in the beginning of the winter season. After maturation of crops, they are harvested at the end of the winter season. For example, gram, pea, wheat etc.

Which of the following is the main crop of Asia?

  1. Wheat

  2. Rice

  3. Maize

  4. Barley

Correct Option: B

Rice is the most important human food crop in the world as it is directly feeding more people than any other crop. It is also the staple food across Asia, where around half of the world's poorest people live and is becoming increasingly important in Africa and Latin America. Rice has also fed more people over a longer time than has any other crop. It is spectacularly diverse, both in the way it is grown and how it is used by humans. Rice is unique because it can grow in wet environments that other crops cannot survive in. Such, wet environments are abundant across Asia. So, rice is the main crop of Asia. 

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

The principal cereal crop in India is

  1. Wheat

  2. Rice

  3. Maize

  4. Sorgham

Correct Option: B

Rice is a Kharif crop. It covers one-third of the total cultivated area of India. It provides food to more than half of the Indian population. Rice is produced in almost all states. Top three producer states are West Bengal, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Other rice growing states include Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Assam and Maharashtra. It is also grown in Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat and Kashmir valley. So, it is the principle cereal crop in India compared to wheat, maize and sorghum. Thus, option B is correct.

Foodgrains which provide the most important staple food for man are

  1. Legume

  2. Cereals

  3. Oil seeds

  4. Millets

Correct Option: B

The Poaceae are the most economically important plant family, providing staple foods from domesticated cereal crops such as maize, wheat, rice, barley, and millet as well as feed for meat-producing animals. As staple foods, cereal grains provide a good amount of carbohydrate, dietary fibre, and protein.

So, the correct answer is 'Cereals'

Which of the following deals with the practice of growing food crops?

  1. Apiculture

  2. Moriculture

  3. Sericulture

  4. Agriculture

Correct Option: D

Apiculture deals with the rearing of honeybees.

Moriculture is the defined as cultivation of mulberry plants and harvesting its leaves for further use by silkworms.
Sericulture is rearing of silkworms.
Agriculture is the practice of growing food crops.
So, the correct answer is option D.

Which of the following crops cannot be grown between October and March?

  1. Paddy

  2. Maize

  3. Wheat

  4. Cotton

Correct Option: A

Any crop that can be grown between October and March or during winter seasons are called as Rabi crop such as wheat, cotton, maize etc., as they do not require more water to grow. Whereas crops that grow during the rainy season are called as Kharif crop such as paddy as they require more water to grow. Thus, the correct answer option A.

Which of the following crops are most suitable for cultivation under scanty rainfall conditions?
1. Horse gram
2. Rice
3. Mustard
4. Wheat
Select the correct answer from the codes given:

  1. 2 and 3

  2. 2 and 4

  3. 1 and 2

  4. 1 and 3

Correct Option: D

Dryland farmed crops may include winter wheat, corn, beans, sunflowers or even watermelon. 

So, the correct option is '2 and 4'.