Tag: europe - peninsula of asia

Questions Related to europe - peninsula of asia

The forest of Norway maintained by the addition of over _______ sapling every year.

  1. 100,000,000

  2. 100,000

  3. 100,00

  4. 100

Correct Option: A

The forest of Norway maintained by the addition of over 100,000,000  sapling every year.

Manpower resource represent ___________________.

  1. People of the country.

  2. Soil of the country.

  3. Animal of the country.

  4. None of these.

Correct Option: A

People of the country,

1. General: Total supply of personnel available or engaged for a specific job or task. 2. Economics: Total labor force of a nation, including both men and women. If there are more people than available jobs, it is called manpower surplus; if available people are fewer than jobs, it is called manpower deficit.

The main fishing waters in Europe are the _______________.

  1. Bay of Biscay

  2.  Norwegian sea

  3. North sea

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Bulgaria and Romania fish exclusively in the Black sea. EU Member States fishing in Mediterranean waters include Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Malta, Cyprus and Portugal. Bulgaria and Romania fish exclusively in the Black sea.

____ waterways are extensively developed in Europe.

  1. Inland

  2. Oceanic

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Inland and Oceanic waterways in Europe

Two major categories under which water transport can be divided are as follows: 1. Inland Waterways 2. Ocean Transport!

Since, prehistoric times, water transport has been used for carrying both men and goods. Water transport probably developed before the use of animals because waterway formed an easy means of travel in places where dense forests on land hindered movement.

The range and importance of water transport was increased when power of wind was harnessed by use of boats or some other medium. At first, boats were small and confined mainly to inland waters and sheltered coastal areas.

The gradual increase in size and complexity of sailing craft allowed trade to be established. The Phonecians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans as well as Arabs and Indians had wide trading contacts. The use of steam has given a new dimension, greater power and speed to water transport to carry larger goods at long distances.

The use of diesel and other forms of power has changed the entire scenario of the water transport and today most of the world trade is water-borne. The two greatest advantages of water transport are that it uses oceans, rivers, seas and needs no special tracks, and that it is the cheapest form of transport for large and bulky loads.

Euro Zone countries uses _________ currency.

  1. Dollor

  2. Euro

  3. Rupee

  4. Ponds

Correct Option: B


Although all EU countries are part of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), 19 of them have replaced their national currencies with the single currency – the euro. These EU countries form the euro area, also known as the eurozone.

In Europe intensive agriculture is practiced in  ________________.

  1. Southern plains to Belgium and northern France.

  2.  Ukraine

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C
Agricultural land plays an important role in land use patterns across the EU. Grassland and cropland together make up 39 % of Europe's land cover . The agricultural sector is a major user of natural resources and has a complex relationship with the environment . The following data reflect the performance and impacts of the agricultural sector in the EU:

Around 94 % of ammonia emissions in Europe stemmed from agriculture in 2015, mainly from activities such as manure storage, slurry spreading and the use of inorganic nitrogen fertilisers.
CO2 emissions from peat soil that is drained for agriculture make up 100.5 Mt CO2 per year, while for forestry the figure is 67.6 Mt CO2. With a total of 173 Mt CO2 emissions from drained soils, the EU is the second largest hotspot for peatland CO2 emissions (after Indonesia) .
Through irrigation, agriculture exerts major pressure on renewable water resources. Seasonally, the sector consumes more than 50 % of the water used in Europe.
Agriculture is one of the main sources of nitrates in surface and ground waters. In several regions across Europe, often those with intensive agriculture, nitrate concentrations are still too high.
Around 9 % of agricultural land is part of Natura 2000 sites. 
Agriculture contributes 25 million tonnes of oil equivalent (12.3 %) to renewable energy production (2015), which is an increase of  15 % from 2013 to 2015 .
Agriculture is an inherent part of food systems and the range of food produced in the EU is diverse.
The EU is broadly self-sufficient in most agricultural primary commodities. It is also the single largest exporter of agri-food products, which include processed food .
Two of the main challenges confronting agriculture in Europe are climate change  and land take, i.e. the conversion of land to, for example, settlements and infrastructure . Climate change requires the adaptation of crop varieties and causes extreme weather events.

Trees are pure stands means, __________.

  1. tress of different species

  2. trees of single species

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B
Trees of single species
Definition of pure stand
: a plant population consisting exclusively or largely of members of one species, variety, or type

European people speak ___________ language.

  1. German

  2. Polish

  3. English

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

The European Union has designated by agreement with the member states 24 languages as "official and working:" Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and many more.

Which of the following is a river in Europe?

  1. Thames

  2. Rhone

  3. Danube

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Europe is a large region, with several major rivers that connect its many countries. There are five primary rivers in Europe: the Danube, the Thames, the Volga, the Loire, the Rhine and the Elbe.

River Rhine Valley has abundant ________ production.

  1. Agricultural

  2. Livestock

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Agricultural and livestock

The Rhine river is a the biggest shipping route in the world and is the biggest source of water for many industrial cities.

It also has locks that connects to many other major waterways making it even more important for shipping.