Tag: metals, alloys and crystals

Questions Related to metals, alloys and crystals

Ornamental gold is an alloy of gold and silver.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Gold as pure metal is too soft on its own and is therefore hardened by the addition of alloying element like silver for ornamental purpose.
option A is correct.

Which of the following pair of elements form alloy?

  1. $Zn$ and $Pb$

  2. $Fe$ and $C$

  3. $Hg$ and $Ag$

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D
Alloys are formed by metals whose atomic radii not differ by more than $15 \%$ so that the atoms of one metal can easily take up the positions in the crystal lattice of the other.
Thus all of these will be the correct answer.

The mixture of two or more metals is called a/an _______ .

  1. solder

  2. mixture

  3. alloy

  4. amalgam

Correct Option: C

The mix of two or more metals is called an alloy. the various properties of metals can be unproved by mixing two or more metals.

The alloy steel used for making automobile parts and utensils is called

  1. nickel steel

  2. stainless steel

  3. tungsten steel

  4. chromium steel

Correct Option: A

An alloy which does not contain copper is:

  1. solder

  2. bronze

  3. brass

  4. bell metal

Correct Option: A

Solder- an alloy of tin $(Sn)$ and lead $(Pb)$
Bronze-an alloy of copper $(Cu)$ and tin $(Sn)$
Brass-an alloy of copper $(Cu)$ and Zinc $(Zn)$
Bell metal-an alloy of copper $(Cu)$ and tin $(Sn)$
Therefore option A is correct

Select the correct alternative for the preparation of steel:

  1. A - coal, B- limestone, C - iron ore

  2. A - coal, B - iron ore , C -limestone

  3. A - limestone, B - coal , C - iron ore

  4. A - iron ore, B -limestone , C - coal

Correct Option: D

Making iron is the first step of production of steel. Iron is usually made from iron ore,limestone and coal. Limestone is added to iron before entering the blast furnace. The limestone reacts with acidic impurities called slag and floats on top of the molten iron where it is skimmed off.

Element present in the stainless steel is ______________.

  1. Iron

  2. Chromium

  3. Nickel

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Stainless steel also known as inox steel. It is an alloy of steel (Iron and nickel) with chromium 10.5%. It does not corrode readily, rust or stain. There are different grades of stainless steel. It is used where both the properties of steel and corrosion resistance are required.

Mark the incorrect statement.
a) Alloys with required properties can be made.
b) Alloys have properties different from constituent metals.
c) Alloys can never have carbon in it.
d) Alloy is a heterogenous mixture.

  1. a, b

  2. c, d

  3. a, c

  4. b, d

Correct Option: B

Alloys have properties which can different from the constituent metals. In fact it is possible to make alloys having required properties.

Alloy is a homogeneous mixture. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon.

Which of the following alloy contains mercury?

  1. Bronze

  2. Zinc amalgam

  3. Brass

  4. German silver

Correct Option: B

Amalgam is a substance formed by the reaction of mercury with another metal.Almost all metals form amalgams with mercury with exceptions being iron,platinum,tungsten and tantalum.Silver-mercury amalgams are important in dentistry.

Identify the alloy which does not contain zinc metal.

  1. Gun metal

  2. German silver

  3. Brass

  4. Bronze

Correct Option: D

Bronze is an alloy of $Cu$ and $Sn$. It does not contain zinc metal.

Alloy                                 Metals present
Gun metal $Cu$ (88%) $Sn$ (10%) $Zn$ (2%)
German silver $Cu,\ Zn$ and $Ni$
Brass $Cu$ and $Zn$
Bronze $Cu$ and $Sn$