Tag: scientists

Questions Related to scientists

Who invented the cyclotron?

  1. James Chadwick

  2. James Clerk Maxwell

  3. Michael Faraday

  4. Ernest Orlando Lawrence

Correct Option: D

The cyclotron was invented by Ernest Orlando Lawrence.

Which year was declared as International Year of Physics. ?

  1. $2002$

  2. $2003$

  3. $2005$

  4. $2007$

Correct Option: C

The year $2005$ was declared as International year of Physics.

In which year did Hahn and Meitner discover the phenomenon of neutron-induced fission of uranium. ?

  1. $1938$

  2. $1950$

  3. $1945$

  4. $1928$

Correct Option: A

Hahn and Meitner discovered the phenomenon of neutron - induced fission of uranium in $1938$.

Lightning was discovered by the

  1. Ohm

  2. Thomson

  3. Franklin

  4. Faraday

Correct Option: C

Lightning was discovered by Franklin.

Sir C.V.Raman got Nobel Prize in physics for the

  1. refraction of light

  2. reflection of light

  3. scattering of light

  4. dispersion of light

Correct Option: C

Sir C.V.Raman got Nobel Prize for Raman effect, which deals with scattering of light.

Pick out the correct statement about the strong nuclear force from the following.
$S1$ : It is charge independent.
$S2$ : It is the strongest force in nature.
$S3$ : Its range is very large.
$S4$ : It is responsible for the stability of nuclei.

  1. $S1 and S3$

  2. $S1, S2 and S3$

  3. $S1, S2 and S4$

  4. $S2 and S3$

Correct Option: C
its charge is independent.
it is responsible for the stability of nuclei
The range of strong nuclear force is very small, of about nuclear dimensions $(10^{-15}m)$.

Which of the following statements is incorrect. ?

  1. Bohr gave theory of hydrogen atom and Yukawa, the theory of nuclear forces.

  2. Law of gravitation was discovered by Newton and principle of inertia by Galileo

  3. Laws of photoelectric effect were discovered by Einstein and laws of electromagnetic induction by Faraday.

  4. Neutron was discovered by J.J.Thomson and electron was discovered by James Chadwick.

Correct Option: D

Neutron was discovered by James Chadwick and electron was discovered by J.J.Thomson.

Which of the following Indian scientists is known for his achievements in Mathematics?

  1. Jagadish Chandra Bose

  2. Srinivasa Ramanujan

  3. Vikram Sarabhai

  4. Salim Ali

Correct Option: B

Srinivas Ramanujan is known for his great achievements in the field of Mathematics.

he made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, 
infinite series, and continued fractions, including solutions to mathematical problems then considered unsolvable

NASA telescopes have spotted which cosmic bodies making massive planets on 3 distant solar systems?

  1. Dwarf stars

  2. Moons

  3. Comets

  4. Asteroids

Correct Option: C

Which Indian scientist is popularly known as missile man of India? 

  1. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

  2. Dr. C .V. Raman

  3. Dr. Har Gobind Khorana

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A