Tag: dialogue

Questions Related to dialogue

Choose the most suitable option to complete the dialogue.

Ravi : Give me a call when you get back from the trip.
Ria : _________________

  1. I' m Sorry to hear that.

  2. I'll surely do that.

  3. Why should I call You?

  4. My trip will exhaust me !

Correct Option: B

The correct answer here is Option B). This is because it is the proper, polite and more importantly appropriate thing to say after one asks you to call them after a trip is over; all other options are incorrect and do not fit as a response - Option A) is used to express one's condolences; Option C) is rude and Option D) is irrelevant.


Choose the most formal way to end a call with a colleague.

  1. I regret that I have to go now. Good bye.

  2. I have to hang up now. Bye!

  3. I'm afraid I'll have to go now. Good bye.

  4. I cant talk right now. Ciao.

Correct Option: C

Since the question specifically says formal, the best way to end the conversation is Option C) - it is formal, precise and also polite and not casual, all of which are necessary to end conversation with a colleague in a formal setting.


In an interview, if you face a question that you arent sure of the answer to, what would be the best way to respond ?

  1. Can you repeat the question please ?

  2. Could you change the question ?

  3. Is it okay if dont answer this ?

  4. May I think about it for a moment ?

Correct Option: D

Since the question specifically mentions that the setting is that of an interview, and it is a question that you cannot immediately answer, your response needs to be polite and one that conveys that you need a little time to think about the question without flat out saying that you don't know the clear answer. Since Option D) is one that meets this criteria, it is the correct answer. All other answers are inappropriate.

Hari was driving above the speed limit and has been pulled over by a police inspector. Complete the conversation between him and the police inspector.
Police: Sir, you were driving above the speed limit. I'm afraid I am going to have to give you a ticket.
Hari: _____________________________

  1. Hello, Sir. Alright, please give me the ticket.

  2. Sir, I am very sorry. I really hadn't realized. It won't happen again.

  3. Sir I am very sorry. I really hadn't realized. It won't happen again.

  4. "Sir, I am very sorry." "I really hadn't realized. It won't happen again."

Correct Option: B
The correct response is Option B. Hari realizes his mistake and apologizes to the officer and ensures that it would not be repeated. The use of pronoun, punctuation and the tense is appropriate.
Option A is incorrect as the response is impolite and abrupt for the context.
Option C is incorrect as the punctuation marks are not properly used.
Option D is incorrect as double inverted commas are not required in this format of dialogue writing.

Anju met Ravi's brother yesterday and had a wonderful time talking to him. Complete the conversation between Anju and Ravi:
Ravi: So, my brother told me you met him yesterday.
Anju: _______________________

  1. Yes, I met him. We talked.

  2. I met your brother yesterday and we had a chat.

  3. Oh yes, he was very friendly. We had a great time talking.

  4. Anju met Ravi's brother yesterday and had a great time talking to him.

Correct Option: C
The correct response is Option C. Anju tells Ravi that she met her brother, who was very friendly, yesterday and they had a great time talking. The use of pronoun, punctuation and the tense is appropriate.
Option A is incorrect as the reply is abrupt and inappropriate.
Option B is incorrect as the reply is very formal and does not explain the context.
Option D is incorrect because of the inappropriate use of nouns.

Kelly has forgotten to do her homework. Complete the conversation between her and her teacher:

Teacher: Kelly, why haven't you given me your homework?
Kelly: ________________________

  1. I am very sorry ma'am, but I had forgotten that we had homework.

  2. Ma'am, I have forgotten about it completely.

  3. I forgot to my homework.

  4. I keep forgetting to do my homework.

Correct Option: A

The correct response is Option A. Kelly politely tells her teacher that she had forgotten that they had been given homework. The use of pronoun, punctuation and the tense is appropriate.
Option B is incorrect as the response is incomplete and too informal to be addressed to a teacher.
Options C and D are incorrect as the replies are inappropriate and do not suit the situation.

Identify the correct dialogue:

Jim: Are you going to the party tonight?
Tom: No, I don't think so. I am not feeling too well.
Jim: Oh, __________

  1. I was sorry to hear you were sick.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon.

  3. I am truly sorry to receive news of your ill health.

  4. get well you.

Correct Option: B
The correct dialogue is Option B. Jim feels sorry for Tom's health and wishes his early recovery. The use of pronoun and the alignment of tense is also correct.
Option A is incorrect as the response is in past tense to a situation stated in present tense.
Option C is incorrect as the response is very formal for the context.
Option D is incorrect as the response is abrupt and inappropriate.

Complete the dialogue by selecting the right option:

Henry: I think I left my purse here last night. __________ (Have you seen it/Have you saw it)?
Sneha: I'm sorry, but I ________ (don't think I did/ don't think I have).

  1. Have you seen it; don't think I did

  2. Have you seen it; don't think I have

  3. Have you saw it; don't think I did

  4. Have you saw it; don't think I have

Correct Option: B
The correct answer is Option B. The question is being asked in the present tense and thus the answer is also in the present tense.
Options A, C and D are incorrect as the tense of the verb do not align to the given context.

Complete the dialogue by selecting the right option:

Jaya: ________ (You're/ You have arrived) early today!
Rekha: Yes, I __________ (got/ boarded) a bus early today. 

  1. You're; got

  2. You're; boarded

  3. You have arrived; got

  4. You have arrived; boarded

Correct Option: A,D
The correct answers are Option A and Option D. In this context, in the first dialogue both 'present' and 'present perfect' tense can be used and in the second dialogue both the verbs signify the same thing and thus can be used.
Options B and C are incorrect as they do not align to the context as the tone executed by them are different.

Anu reached school late because she woke up late. Complete the conversation between her and her teacher:
Teacher: Anu, why are you late?
Anu: ____________________

  1. I am very sorry, teacher. I woke up late.

  2. I am very sorry teacher. I woke up late.

  3. In the morning, I woke up later than usual. Hence, I reached late to school.

  4. I am so sorry about being late.

Correct Option: A
The correct response is Option A. Anu politely apologizes to her teacher and mentions that she is late to school because she woke up late. The use of pronoun, punctuation and the tense is appropriate.
Option B is incorrect as the use of punctuation mark is inappropriate.
Option C is incorrect as the response is too formal and long.
Option D is incorrect as the response in incomplete according to the context.