Tag: antibodies and antitoxin

Questions Related to antibodies and antitoxin

A protoxin is 

  1. A primitive toxin

  2. A denatured toxin

  3. Toxin produced by protozoa

  4. Inactive toxin.

Correct Option: D

A protoxin is an inactive toxin which is converted to an active form by the alkaline pH present in the gut of insects.

So, the correct option is 'Option D' .

Anti-toxins are used to induce

  1. Death

  2. Passive immunity

  3. Diseases

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Antitoxin is a special type of

  1. Antibody

  2. Antigen

  3. Disease

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

An antitoxin is a type of antibody that are produced by the other animal and used to neutralize the specific toxins. Antitoxins are used prophylactically and therapeutically.

The probiotic drinks such as 'Yakult' contains healthy bacterial suspension. They are used for boosting the immune system and strengthening the digestive systems. The mechanisms by which they do it might be by?

  1. By generating antibody against them

  2. By generating toxins which kill other bacteria

  3. They divide in the gut faster and replace the existing harmful bacteria

  4. They eat the harmful bacteria

Correct Option: B

Probiotics are live organisms intended to provide health benefits when consumed, generally by improving or restoring the gut flora (microorganisms present in the gut). Yakult is a delicious probiotic fermented milk drink that contains exclusive L.casei strain. Probiotics, when entered into the body generates toxins which help in the elimination of other harmful bacteria.

Thus, the correct answer is 'By generating toxins which kill other bacteria.'

Cause of death in snake bite cases usually involve

  1. Neurotoxicity

  2. Destruction RBC's

  3. Permanent contraction of muscles

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

Snake bites affects the nervous system at the places where nerves connect to muscles, thereby failure of nerves. It also affects the circulatory system by causing destruction of RBCs or causing blood clotting. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

The best medicine to inject into the snake bite case, is

  1. Penicillin

  2. Antivenin

  3. Antibiotic

  4. Streptomycin

Correct Option: B

The best medicine for snake bite is 

  1. Antiseptic

  2. Antivenom

  3. Antibiotic

  4. Atreptomycin

Correct Option: B

Any injury caused by the biting of a snake is called a snake bite. It is usually poisonous. A common sign of snakebite is the presence of two wounds from snake's fangs. Snakebite delivers poison to the person it bites. This poison has to be nullified through anti-venom drugs. Antivenom is a medicine made from antibiotics. It is used to treat snake bites.

So, option B is the correct answer.

Which of the following systems in man is affected by the bite of cobra?

  1. Digestive

  2. Nervous

  3. Excretory

  4. Circulatory

Correct Option: B

The venom of cobra consists primarily of neurotoxins (affects the nervous system) with several other compounds. They are capable of delivering a fatal bite. These block the transmission of the nerve impulse by the sensory and motor neurons. So, the correct answer is option B.

Antivenom injections used for treating snake bite are prepared at

  1. IVRI, Bareilly

  2. NDRI, Kamal

  3. Haffkine Research Institute, Mumbai

  4. IARI, New Delhi

Correct Option: C

Antivenin or anti-snake venom serum is the only drug that can neutralise the snake venom and the victim. It should be injected soon after the bite. They are prepared by immunising horses and mules against the venoms of various types of venomous snakes. These antivenins are prepared in India at Haffkine Institute, Mumbai and Central Research Institute, Kasauli.
So, the correct answer is option C.

Select the mismatched one.

Drug Source Application
$(1)$ Taxol Bark of Yew Anticancerous
$(2)$ Liquorice Leaves of Glycine max Bronchitis
$(3)$ Quinine Bark of Cinchona ledgeriana Antimalarial
$(4)$ Reserpine Roots of Rauwolfia serpentina Against schizophrenia
  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

Correct Option: B

Liquorice or licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra from which a sweet flavour can be extracted. Licorice is taken by mouth for various digestive system complaints including stomach ulcers, heartburn, colic, and ongoing inflammation of the lining of the stomach (chronic gastritis). 

So, the correct option is 'B'.