Tag: general functions of food

Questions Related to general functions of food

________ has the heterotrophic nutrition system for the following.

  1. Penyciline

  2. Plasmodium

  3. Peramoecium

  4. Englena

Correct Option: A

An average person not doing hard work requires energy per day

  1. 2000 kcal

  2. 1000 kcal

  3. 750 kcal

  4. 2800 kcal

Correct Option: A

For an average human who does not work hard at least 2000 kcal are required per day to support the internal processes of the body.

So the correct answer is ' 2000 kcal'.

Read the statements given below.
(1) The element which is very important for the production of thyroxine is iodine.
(2) Vitamin ${B _6}$ is otherwise known as niacin or nicotinic acid.
(3) Fructose is a monosaccharide and is a hexose sugar.
(4) Globulin is an example for a conjugated protein.
Of the above statements

  1. 1, 2 and 3 are correct but 4 is wrong.

  2. 1 and 3 are correct but 2 and 4 are wrong.

  3. 1 and 2 are correct but 3 and 4 are wrong.

  4. 1 is correct while 2, 3 and 4 are wrong.

  5. 1, 3 and 4 are correct but 2 is wrong.

Correct Option: B

Iodine is an essential mineral element. It is required for production of hormones thyroxine by thyroid glands. Deficiency of thyroxine causes swelling of thyroid or goitre. It's deficiency also leads to mental retardation, increased abortions, still births and infant deaths. Vitamin B$ _{6}$ is otherwise known as pyridoxine. It is a component of coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. Fructose is a hexose monosaccharide ketose sugar abundant in fruits. Globulins are a family of globular proteins. Mostly they are simple storage proteins which are soluble in dilute salt solution and coagulated by heat example arachin of groundnut, legumin of pulses, vitellin of egg yolk etc.

Base the answer to the question on basis of the table given.
Food Label/Nutrition Facts

(i) Total fat $1$g
(ii) Cholesterol $0$mg
(iii) Total carbohydrate(starch) $43$g
(iv) Dietary fibre $2$g
(v) Sugars $3$g
(vi) Proteins $6$g

Approximately what percentage of the calories in this food comes from fats?

  1. $1$ percent

  2. $10$ percent

  3. $4.1$ percent

  4. $9$ percent

Correct Option: A
(i) Fat $1$g$=9$ calories
(ii) Cholestrol $0$mg$=0$ calorie
(iii) Total carbohydrate (starch) $43$g$=43\times 4$
$=172$ calories
(iv) Dietary fibre $2$g$=2\times 4$
$=8$ calorie
(v) Sugar $3$g$=3\times 4$
$=12$ calorie
(vi) proteins $6$g $=6\times 4$
$=8$ calorie.
Total calories$=20$g
Percentage of fat calories in the food
$\dfrac{9}{209}\times 100$
So, the answer is $4.1$ percentage

Fattyness is due to the excess of

  1. Connective tissue

  2. Blood

  3. Muscular tissue

  4. Adipose tissue

Correct Option: D

In animals, body stores excess carbohydrates as fats. Fats are stored around visceral organs and underneath the skin as adipose tissue. Excess deposition of fats underneath the skin in adipose tissue gives rise to obesity. Obesity leads to a number of life style diseases and disorders like hypertension, diabetes, joint pain etc.

A tourist visiting Paris consumed a meal comprising potato chips, wine, burger and fish. Out of these, which substance gets initially absorbed from the stomach itself?

  1. Potato chips

  2. Wine

  3. Burger

  4. Fish

Correct Option: A

Potato is composed mainly of starch. The potato chips have an even simpler composition in this regard and are digested in the stomach itself. So for a person who has had a meal comprising of potato chips, wine, burger, and fish, the substance that gets initially absorbed from the stomach itself is potato chips.

So, the answer is 'Potato chips'.

(i) The meal that includes all ______ a _____ in right amount is a balanced diet.
(ii) Insufficient production of ______ b ______ in the tadpoles leads to their incomplete development.
(iii) Endocrine glands are also called ______ c _____ glands.
(iv) After attaining puberty boys develop a ______ d ______ voice.

  1. a - deep, b - ductless, c - nutrients, d- thyroxin

  2. a - nutrients, b - ductless, c - nutrients, d - thyroxin

  3. a - nutrients, b - thyroxin , c- ductless , d - deep

  4. a - nutrients, b - deep, c - ductless, d - thyroxin

Correct Option: C

(i) The meal that includes all nutrient in the right amount is a balanced diet.

(ii) Insufficient production of thyroxin in the tadpoles leads to their incomplete development.
(iii) Endocrine glands are also called as ductless glands.
(iv) After attaining puberty boys develop a deep voice.

So the correct option is 'a - nutrients, b - thyroxin, c- ductless, d - deep'

Proteins are mainly required in the body for

  1. Growth

  2. Repair

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Proteins are the major body building biomolecules. Proteins serve a variety of structural and functional roles. They are required to produce new tissues and repair old worn out parts. They play an important role in cellular defense mechanism as immunoglobulins. Most enzymes are proteins.  Meat, milk and eggs are an important source of proteins. Soybean and other pulses are an important source of plant proteins.

The components of foods which is primarily used for generating and building tissues is

  1. Carbohydrates

  2. Proteins

  3. Fats

  4. Minerals

Correct Option: B

Proteins are the basic structural molecule of the tissues in the body. They are responsible for many processes in the body. Amino acid is a component present in protein. These molecules stack on top of one another, which provides structure to the body. They play an essential role in the cellular maintenance, growth, and functioning of the human body. Thus, proteins are used for generating and building tissues.

The normal Albumin / Gloubulin ratio in blood is

  1. 2 : 1

  2. 1 : 2

  3. 1 : 4

  4. 1 : 5

Correct Option: D

Albumin and globulin are the two major proteins found in the blood. The albumin/globulin ratio is, the amount of albumin in the blood compared to the amount of globulin in the blood. The albumin value is divided by the globulin value to get the ratio. The ratio is primarily used to evaluate liver function but also is an indicator of many other possible problems. The albumin/globulin ratio normal levels are from 0.8 to 2.0.