Tag: morphology of the root

Questions Related to morphology of the root

Rema was in the biology lab. When observing a plant tissue under the microscope, she saw a small out-growth coming from the outermost layer. Which part did she identify?

  1. Trichomes

  2. Flower buds

  3. Stomata

  4. Leaves

Correct Option: A

Rema observed trichomes which are considered to be the outgrowth from the epidermis of the plant and are unicellular and mostly glandular. It helps in the absorption of water and minerals.

So, the correct answer is 'Trichomes'.

A root grows in length,which region of the root is responsible for this growth?

  1. Root cap

  2. Region of meristematic activity

  3. Region of elongation

  4. Region of maturation

Correct Option: C

A)The root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like structure called the root cap that protects it from damage.

B)The cells are thin-walled and with dense protoplasm and divide rapidly forms region of meristematic activity.
C)The cells that divide undergo rapid elongation and are responsible for the growth of the root length is the region of elongation.
D)The cells of elongation gradually differentiate and mature is called the region of maturation.
So the correct option is ' Region of elongation'.

Roots and shoots lengthen through the activity of

  1. Apical meristem

  2. Vascular Cambium

  3. Lateral meristem

  4. Cork Cambium

Correct Option: A
Apical meristem is found at the growing tips, that is root and shoot tips. These are actively dividing cells and are thus responsible for the growth of plant lengthwise. Shoot apical meristem occurs at the apex of the shoot which allows the shoot to elongate. Root apical meristem occurs at the apex of the root which allows the root to elongate. Rapid division of meristematic cells can cause the plant to grow tall.
Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Quiescent centre is a

  1. Weak zone

  2. Active zone

  3. Inactive zone

  4. Strong base

Correct Option: C

Quiscent centre is a zone of mitotically inactive zone in the meristematic region of the root apical meristem. The cells of this region either do not divide or divide very slowly. They have thin cytoplasm, low concentration of the RNA and proteins, fewer endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes. This zone acts as reservoir of meristematic cells. The cells ar ecapable of gaining the active dision activity at the time of growth.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Inactive zone'.

Which of the following is absent in a root hair?

  1. Cell wall

  2. Vacuole

  3. Nucleus

  4. Chloroplast

Correct Option: D

Chloroplast are absent in root hairs because root hairs do not produce food. These are meant for absorption of water and minerals from soil. Chloroplast is the store house of chlorophyll which is the green pigment essential in photosynthesis.Moreover root and root hair are underground structures away from light, hence they do not contain chloroplasts, as chlorophyll pigments present within the chloroplasts are functional only in presence of light.

So, the correct answer is 'chloroplast'

Which of the following roots are found in a screwpine?

  1. Nodulose

  2. Tuberous

  3. Stilt

  4. Fasciculated

Correct Option: C

Screwpine or Pandanus also known as screw palm has stilt roots. Often called as Pandanus palms, these plants are not closely related to palm trees. The species vary in size from small shrubs less than 1 m. Species growing on exposed coastal headlands and along beaches have thick stilt roots- as anchors in the loose sand. Those prop roots emerge from the stem, usually close to but above the ground, which helps to keep the plants upright and secure them to the ground.
Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Transition of exarch bundles of root to endarch bundles of stem occurs in

  1. Epicotyl

  2. Hypocotyl

  3. Apical bud

  4. Coleoptile

Correct Option: B
Hypocotyl is the portion of seedling where transition of root structure into stem structure occurs. The seedling above the transition point has stem structure which is characterized by presence of collateral and endarch vascular bundles. And the region of hypocotyls below the transition point is structurally root, which bear radial and exarch vascular bundles. The transition point marks this conversion from exarch to endarch vascular bundles which makes option B correct. Epicotyl is the region of embryonic axis above the cotyledons which develops into leaves and is present above the hypocotyl; option A is incorrect. The protective covering that covers the epicotyls of monocot embryo is called as coleoptiles; they serve the protective function only; option D is incorrect. Apical bud is the meristematic tissue present in the tip of the stem and shoots which synthesize auxin and inhibits the lateral buds which are located in the base of the shoots; they are not involved in transition of root anatomy into stem anatomy; option C is incorrect.
Thus, the correct answer is option B.

"Hing" got from Ferula asafoetida is

  1. Resinous exudate of root

  2. Fruits

  3. Inflorescence

  4. Leaves

Correct Option: A

Asafoetida or hing is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula, a perennial herb that grows 1 to 1.5 m tall. The species is native to the deserts of Iran, mountains of Afghanistan and is mainly cultivated in nearby India. Thus, option A is correct. 

Velamen tissues are associated with

  1. Haustorial function

  2. Assimilation

  3. Absorption of moisture

  4. Nutrition

Correct Option: C

Velamen is a spongy, multiple epidermis that covers the roots of some epiphytic or semi-epiphytic plants, such as orchid and Clivia species. The velamen of an orchid is the white or gray covering of aerial roots when dry, and usually more green when wet as a result of the appearance of underlying photosynthetic structures. It is many cell layers thick and capable of absorbing atmospheric moisture and nutrients. Often, the roots of orchids are associated with symbiotic fungi or bacteria, the latter may fix nutrients from the air. This functionality allows the orchid to exist in locations that provide a reproductive or vegetative advantage such as improved exposure or reduced competition from other plant species. The velamen also serves a mechanical function, protecting the vascular tissues in the root cortex, shielding the root from transpirational water loss and in many cases, adhering the plant to the substrate. So, velamen tissues are associated with absorption of moisture and not with nutrition, assimilation and haustorial function.
Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Photosynthesis roots are found in

  1. Cuscuta

  2. Loranthus

  3. Tinospora

  4. Ficus

Correct Option: C

In some plants, the roots are chlorophyllous and perform photosynthesis. For example, TinosporaTaeniophyllmTrapa, Podostemum.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.