Tag: education, healthcare and human resource development

Questions Related to education, healthcare and human resource development

Approximately what per cent of Indian population is living below poverty line ____.

  1. 22%

  2. 30%

  3. 40%

  4. 35%

Correct Option: D

Decrease in Death rate is a __________.

  1. Economic Indicator

  2. Political Indicator

  3. Social Indicator

  4. Demographic Indicator

Correct Option: D

Most of the social differences are based on ____________ .

  1. Birth

  2. Choice

  3. Caste

  4. Religion

Correct Option: A

Discrimination and differences are found among different caste , sex, religion etc but the base for this difference is created  by birth.

Caste and religion of a person is determined by their birth in a family.
Caste and religion of a person is determined by the caste and religion of their ancestors.

The primitive stage in the human society is known ____________.

  1. Pastoral Age

  2. Huntinge Age

  3. Industrial Age

  4. Agricultural Age

Correct Option: B

Hunting age was the period in which hunter-gatherer had to catch or find everything they ate. They moved from place to place in search of food. Pastoral age consisted of shepherds herding livestock in open grassland areas, according to the availability of water and pasture. Agricultural age involved improved crop productivity due to the adoption of new farming techniques. The industrial age is attributed to the advent of power driven machines, steam engines, power looms which changed the economic and social condition of humans. Option B Hunting Age is the correct answer, as the most primitive stage.    

Literacy rate among women as per 2001 Census is ________.

  1. 52%

  2. 58%

  3. 54%

  4. 56%

Correct Option: C

In India census is carried out at an interval of 10 years. 

As per census 2011 literacy rate is:
India- 74.04%
Males-  82.14% 
Females- 65.46%

As per census 2001, literacy rate is:
India- 64.84%
Males- 75.26%
Females- 53.67%

The literacy rate of Kerala is _____.

  1. 93.91%

  2. 92.02%

  3. 90.05%

  4. 91.29%

Correct Option: A

As per census 2011, Literacy rate in Kerala is 93.91%

Male literacy in Kerala - 96%
Female literacy in Kerala - 92%.

Which of the following states/union territories has the lowest sex ration in India?

  1. Kerala

  2. Puducherry

  3. Delhi

  4. Haryana

Correct Option: C
Sex ratio refers to the number of females per 1000 of males.
As per the census 2011 sex ratio:
Kerala- 1084, Puducherry- 1037, Haryana- 879 and in Delhi it is 868.

Literacy among women is extremely low in ______.

  1. Andhra Pradesh

  2. Kerala

  3. Maharashtra

  4. Bihar

Correct Option: D

Literacy rate refers to the number of people who are of 7 years and above and can read and write.

As per census 2011 highest literacy rate is in Kerala and the lowest literacy rate is in Bihar.
Literacy rate in India is - 74.04%
Literacy rate in Kerala - 93.91%
Literacy rate in Bihar - 63.82%

The article that stipulates that all minorities shall have the right to establish educational institutions of their choice is ____________.

  1. Article 27

  2. Article 28

  3. Article 29

  4. Article 30

Correct Option: D

The Article 30 of Indian Constitution, speaks about the rights of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions. Minorities bases on any religion or language enjoy this right. The state while granting aid  to educational institutions cannot discriminate on the grounds of religion or language. Hence, option D is the correct answer.