Tag: reproduction and variation

Questions Related to reproduction and variation

Read the following statements about reproduction and select the incorrect one.

  1. It is a biological process in which an organism gives rise to young ones

  2. It enables the continuity of the species

  3. It produces genetic variations in organisms

  4. It maintains populations of the young and adult persons only

Correct Option: D
  • Reproduction is a biological process in which an organism gives rise to young ones. It is a fundamental feature of all known life. Reproduction enables the continuity of the species and produces genetic variations in organisms. 
  • Reproduction not only maintains populations of the young and adult persons but also that of older adults.
  • Reproduction is a key process that determines the distribution of people of various ages in a population, called age structure.
  • So the correct option is D.

The phenomenon wherein, the ovary develops into a fruit without fertilisation is called.

  1. Parthenocarpy

  2. Apomixis

  3. Asexual reproduction

  4. Sexual reproduction

Correct Option: A

Fertilised ovary is technically called fruit. But if ovary develops into fruits, without fertilisation, it is called parthenocarpic fruit. Such fruits are generally seedless. Some common examples found in nature are: Citrus, banana, etc., Parthenocarpy can be artificially induced too by application of certain plant hormones, especially, auxins and gibberellins.

Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to

  1. Keep the individual organism alive

  2. Fulfill their energy requirement

  3. Maintain growth

  4. Continue the species generation after generation

Correct Option: D

  • Reproduction is an essential process required for continuity of life and survival of species generation after generation. 
  • An individual has a limited lifespan and lives for a defined time period but species survive and evolve for a much longer duration. Reproduction serves no other purpose and is not required for energy production or growth of an organism.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

The process of development of organism like itself is called as

  1. Budding

  2. Flowering

  3. Reproduction

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Reproduction can be defined as the biological process by which new individuals or offsprings are produced from their 'parents'. Offsprings are little similar to their parents.
Budding is a type of asexual reproduction by which offsprings arise from a single organism.

Fusion of male and female gamete is termed as

  1. Reproduction

  2. Vegetative propagation

  3. Fertilization

  4. Respiration

Correct Option: C

Reproduction is a process by which there is the production of a new organism by combining the genetic material of two different individuals. It occurs in eukaryotes. A process similar to sexual reproduction (conjugation, transduction, transformation) also takes place in prokaryote also but it is not a reproduction.

Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to

  1. Keep the individual organism alive

  2. Fulfill their energy requirement

  3. Maintain growth

  4. Continue the species generation after generation

Correct Option: D

Reproduction is important because, with the help of reproduction, a new generation of species are produced. With the help of reproduction, genetic traits of that species are transferred from one generation to another.

Which of the following statement is not correct?

  1. Human show spontaneous ovulation

  2. Several enzymes occur in bile juice

  3. Monkeys, apes and humans have oestrus cycle

  4. Urine is pale yellow and slightly alkaline

Correct Option: B,C

A. Human show spontaneous ovulation that means ovum is released in every menstrual cycle irrespective of the fertilization event.

B. Bile juice does not contain the enzymes. It has ions and bile salts.
C. Monkeys, apes, and humans have the menstrual cycle in which endometrium breaks down and falls off. The estrous cycle occurs in animals like cows in which the endometrium is reabsorbed.
D. Urine is pale yellow and slightly alkaline due to bicarbonate ions.
Hence, the correct answers include 'Several enzymes occur in bile juice' and 'Monkeys, apes and humans have estrous cycle'

Choose the correct statement about reproduction

I) It produces progeny with more or less similar features to parents.
II) It occurs by involving one parent (asexual) or two parents (sexual).
III) It is through budding, fragmentation spores or gametes.
IV) It is not observed in non-living organisms.

  1. All of the above

  2. All except I

  3. All except IV

  4. All except III

Correct Option: A

Reproduction is the biological process, through which a new organism produced from their parents. It is of two types - sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction occurs through the involvement of the single parent. It occurs by many methods e.g .budding, fragmentation, spores. Asexually reproduce offspring is an identical copy of their parents. Sexual reproduction occurs through the involvement of two parents. It occurs through the male and female gametes. Sexually reproduce offspring are less similar to their parents. Reproduction is always observed in living organisms.

So, the correct answer is 'All of the above',

Reproduction is the characteristics of living organisms, but it cannot be regarded as defining property because

  1. Asexual reproduction involves only single parent

  2. Lower organisms do not reproduce under stressful environmental conditions

  3. All living beings do not have the capacity to reproduce

  4. For lower plants growth and reproduction are mutually inseparable phenomenon

Correct Option: C

  • Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce new offspring similar to themselves.
  • All living organisms do not have the capacity to reproduce. For example worker honeybees, mule or sterile human couples. Despite their inability to reproduce, they show other characteristics of living organisms.

So, the correct option is 'All living beings do not have the capacity to reproduce'

Water is important for the body of animals?

  1. Reproduction

  2. Keeping the body cooled

  3. Working as solvent

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  • Water is an very important liquid present in the living world. Life has began in the water and the living organism cannot part from the water. They depend on water in major ways to continue their bodies major function.
  • 70% of the animal body is made up of water. It helps in maintaining or maintains many functions of the body. Such as digestion and absorption of food which take place in the alimentary canal where the digested food is broken down with the help of water molecules into small absorbable component. Also after digestion some of the nutrients are absorbs along with water in the  digestive tract.
  • As water itself talks long time to change its temperature compared to its surrounding it also helps in maintaining body temperature as the body is made up of 70% water and so the temperature of body is maintained. Where as the process of sweating and transpiration also release water to cool of the body when ever the temperature of body rises.
  • Water is known to be an universal solvent as it can solve any polar solute such as salt, sugar, gases etc in the water, water molecule also form electrostatic bonds with ions who are partially soluble in pure water. Non polar solute are very poorly soluble in water.
  • Also water is an important medium for reproduction. As the gametes that are required for the sexual reproduction cannot be produced with the water medium.
  • Water works as the shock absorber for the brain and the spinal cord and protects them from the mechanical shock. As water is present in the fluid surrounding these organs.
  • Therefore water is required for one function or the other in the body.
  • Therefore the correct answer is option D