Tag: joints and movements

Questions Related to joints and movements

Removal of parathyroids in human beings result in

  1. Tetany

  2. Simmond's disease

  3. Myxoedema

  4. Addison's disease

Correct Option: A

Parathormone of parathyroid gland increases the blood calcium level. Removal of parathyroid gland decreases the blood calcium level due to its increased excretion in urine. It causes increased excitability of muscles and their sustained contraction referred to as parathyroid tetany. Myxedema is caused by hypothyroidism in adults while Addison’s disease is caused by the presence of ineffective ACTH. Simmond's disease is caused by the destruction of the anterior pituitary lobe. Thus, the correct answer is A.

This is diagnosed by the presence of a type of IgM.

  1. Osteoporosis

  2. Gout

  3. Osteoarthritis

  4. Rheumatoid arthritis

Correct Option: A

The over-stretching of tendons and ligaments is called as

  1. Tonus

  2. Tetany

  3. Sprain

  4. Fatigue

Correct Option: C

A sprain is an injury to the ligaments around a joint. Ligaments are strong, flexible fibers that hold bones together. When a ligament is stretched too far or tears, the joint will become painful and stress.
Tonus is the slight, continuous contraction of a muscle.
Tetany consists of the involuntary contraction of muscles.
Fatigue is the general overall feeling of tiredness and lack of energy.
So, the correct answer is option C.

Gout is caused due to accumulation of?

  1. Oxalic acid

  2. Uric acid

  3. Calcium carbonate

  4. Lactic acid

Correct Option: A

Which of  the following pair is incorrect in relation to diseases and related symptoms-

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis-accumulation of pannus granules

  2. Rickets-Incomplete and insufficient deposition of calcium and phosphate into bones

  3. Gouty Arthritis- Deposition of urea into joints

  4. Osteoporosis- Deficiency of vitamin D

Correct Option: A

Deposition of ______ in the joints causes gout.

  1. Urea

  2. Uric acid

  3. Guanine

  4. Ammonia

Correct Option: B

Which of the following are skeletal disorders? 

  1. Osteoporosis

  2. Arthritis

  3. Diabetes

  4. Both (B) and (A)

Correct Option: D

Arthritis is a disorder of the joints. It involves inflammation of one or more joints. When affected by arthritis, the joint or joints affected may be painful to move, may move in unusual directions or may be immobile completely. Osteoporosis is a disease of bone where there is reduced bone mineral density, increasing the likelihood of fractures. 

So, the correct answer is 'Both (B) and (A)'.

Osteomalacia is a deficiency disease of

  1. Infants due to protein energy malnutrition

  2. Adults due to protein energy malnutrition

  3. Infants due to vitamin D/Calcium deficiency

  4. Adults due to vitamin D/Calcium/ Phosphorus deficiency

Correct Option: D

Select the correct statement about disorder of muscular or skeletal system.

  1. Muscular dystrophy $\rightarrow$ Age related shortening of muscles

  2. Myasthenia gravis $\rightarrow$ Autoimmune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments

  3. Gout $\rightarrow$ Inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium

  4. Osteoporosis $\rightarrow$ Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advancing age

Correct Option: D
  • Skeletal system consists of a framework of bones and a few cartilages.
  • Osteoporosis is defined as a low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk.
  • It occurs due to various fractures such as calcium deficiency, hyperparathyroidism, estrogen deficiency in females etc,
  • Hence osteoporosis →→ Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advancing age.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Osteoporosis →→ Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advancing age'.

In certain parts of India muscular distrophy is commonly found among the poor people because they eat cheap pulses of

  1. Phaseolus mungo

  2. Pisum sativum

  3. Lathyrus sativus

  4. Cicer

Correct Option: C

Lathyrus sativus also known as Kesari dal is mainly consumed by poor people. It causes paralysis because of the action of neurotoxin OAA present in it.

So the correct option is C.