Tag: emerging political trends from 1977 to 2000

Questions Related to emerging political trends from 1977 to 2000

When the article 356 used first time in India?

  1. 1985

  2. 1954

  3. 1963

  4. 1965

Correct Option: B

The article  was used for the first time in up 1954. It has also been used in the state of Patiala and East Punjab States union (PEPSU) and then during Vimochana samaram to dismiss the democratically elected Communist state government of Kerala on 31 July 1959.

Which party lost the general election in 1977?

  1. Congress

  2. Janata Party

  3. BJP

  4. RJD

Correct Option: A

In a major turn of events, the ruling Congress lost control of India for the first time in independent India in the Indian general election, 1977. The hastily formed, Janata alliance of parties opposed to the ruling Congress party, won 298 seats.

In which state Congress had strong hold before emergency?

  1. Maharashtra

  2. Gujrat

  3. Uttar-Pradesh

  4. Bihar

Correct Option: C

The elections in the largest state Uttar Pradesh, historically a Congress stronghold, turned against Mrs. Gandhi. Dhanagare says the structural reasons included the emergence of a strong and united opposition, disunity and weariness within the Congress, an effective opposition and the failure of Mrs. Gandhi in controlling the mass media, which was under censorship during the Emergency.

What is the circumstances for President's rule?

  1. State Legislature is unable to elect a leader as Chief Minister

  2. Breakdown of a coalition

  3. Loss of majority in the assembly

  4. All above

Correct Option: D

In practice president's rule has been imposed under different circumstances such as these: State Legislature is unable to elect a leader as Chief Minister breakdown of a coalition loss of majority in the assembly elections postponed for unavoidable reasons

President's rule normally applicable on _____________?

  1. State

  2. Country

  3. District

  4. All above

Correct Option: A

In the event that a State government is not able to function as per the Constitution, the State comes under the direct control of the central government.

Who said the elections would decide whether India would have "democracy or dictatorship." ?

  1. Congress

  2. Janata Party

  3. BJP

  4. JDU

Correct Option: B

The Janata alliance reminded voters of the excesses and human rights violations during the Emergency, like compulsory sterilisation and imprisonment of political leaders. The Janata campaign said the elections would decide whether India would have "democracy or dictatorship."

Which Congress leader quit the party before general election of 1977?

  1. Jagjivam Ram

  2. Sanjay Gandhi

  3. Indira Gandhi

  4. All above

Correct Option: A

Agriculture and Irrigation Minister of Congress party  Babu Jagjivan Ram quit the party in the first week of February.

In which state Congress hit at all time low in 1977 election?

  1. Madras

  2. Gujrat

  3. West Bengal

  4. Haryana

Correct Option: C

Congress hit an all-time low in West Bengal, according to the Gangulys, because of poor discipline and factionalism among Congress activists as well as numerous defections that weakened the party.

Who has the authority of appointment under President's rule?

  1. President

  2. Prime Minister

  3. Chief Minister

  4. Governor

Correct Option: D

It is "under President's rule". Subsequently, executive authority is exercised through the centrally appointed Governor, who has the authority to appoint retired civil servants or other administrators to assist him.

President's rule refers to the imposition of which article of the constitution of India?

  1. Article 365

  2. Article 356

  3. Article 375

  4. Article 326

Correct Option: B

In the Republic of India, the phrase "President's rule" refers to the imposition of Article 356 of the Constitution of India on a State whose constitutional machinery has failed.