Tag: introduction to electrolysis

Questions Related to introduction to electrolysis

An electrolyte:

  1. has positive charge

  2. has negative chargec

  3. should be able to conduct charge without dissociating

  4. should able to form positive and negative ions

Correct Option: D

A Chemical compound that conducts electricity by changing into ions like cations and anions when melted or dissolved into a solution.

Eg: Sodium chloride.

Which of the following is an electrolyte?

  1. $AgNO _3$ solution

  2. Alcohol

  3. Mercury

  4. Sugar solution

Correct Option: A

Electrolyte is a substance that dissociates into ions in a solution and acquires the capacity to conduct electricity. Electrolysis is the dissociation of an electrolyte into ions at the electrodes by the passage of electric current.
During the electrolysis of silver nitrate solution, silver gets deposited at the cathode, while the anode loses an equal amount of Ag. Hence, $Ag{ NO } _{ 3 }$ is an electrolyte.

Which of the following is not a non electrolyte?

  1. Acetic acid

  2. Glucose

  3. Ethanol

  4. Urea

Correct Option: A
Acetic acid is a weak electrolyte because its dissociation constant is small meaning there will be few ions in solution to conduct electricity

Define good conductors of electricity.

  1. Compounds which do not break up from their solution on passing electric current

  2. Materials which do not allow electric current to pass through them easily

  3. Substances which allow electric current to pass through them easily

  4. Compounds which break up from their solution on passing electric current

Correct Option: C

Substances which allow electric current to pass through them easily are called good conductors of electricity.

Saturated solution of $KNO _3$ with agar-agar is used to make salt bridge because :

  1. size of $K^+$ is greater than that of $NO _3^-$

  2. velocity of $NO _3^-$ is greater than that of $K^+$

  3. Velocities of both $K^+$ and $NO _3^-$ are nearly the same

  4. both velocity and sizes of $K^+$ and $NO _3^-$ ions are same

Correct Option: C

Because velocity of $k^+$ & $NO _{3}^{-}$ ions same & it so not happens one start getting accumulate which have higher velocity and block the test tube.

Weak electrolyte is:

  1. $(NH _4) _2C _2O _4$

  2. $(NH _4) _2SO _4$

  3. A and B both

  4. None

Correct Option: A

At $90^oC$, $pH$ of an aq. solution of a strong electrolyte is 7. What is the nature of electrolyte? 

  1. Neutral

  2. Basic

  3. Acidic

  4. Cannot say

Correct Option: A

A strong electrolyte dissociates completely.

$pH=7$ given.
So, the electrolyte is neutral.

Maximum number of moles of oxygen gas that can be obtained by the electrolytic decomposition of 90 g of water will be 

  1. 1

  2. 2.5

  3. 5

  4. 9

Correct Option: B

Electrolytic decomposition of 18 g of water gives 0.5 mole of O2.
So 90 g of water will give (0.5/18)×90 = 2.5 moles of O2.

The max. no of moles of oxygen gas is 2.5 moles

Which compounds dissociate to ions, when they dissolved in water?

  1. $BaSO _4; C _2H _4, AgCl$

  2. $KOH; C _6H _6; H _2SO _4$

  3. $Ca _3(PO _4) _2AgI; Cu(NO _3) _2$

  4. $AlCl _3; KOH; O _2$

  5. $KOH; H _2SO _4; KMnO _4$

Correct Option: E

The aqueous solution of non-electrolytes contains :

  1. atoms

  2. ions

  3. electrons

  4. molecules

Correct Option: D

Non- electrolytes do not dissociate completely into ions in aqueous solution. So, only their molecules are present in the solution.