Tag: joint stock company

Quizzes Related to joint stock company

Multinational companies - meaning and features - class-XI

multinational companies - meaning and features
Ques 30 0 Taken 0

Meaning and objectives of public sector enterprises - class-XI

meaning and objectives of public sector enterprises
Ques 56 0 Taken 0

Private and public sector - class-XI

private and public sector
Ques 57 0 Taken 0

Meaning and features of joint stock company - class-IX

meaning and features of joint stock company
Ques 59 0 Taken 0

Forms of business organisation - 2 - class-IX

forms of business organisation - 2
Ques 60 0 Taken 0

Introduction to public sector organisations - class-XI

introduction to public sector organisations
Ques 60 0 Taken 0

Public sector enterprises - class-XI

public sector enterprises
Ques 63 0 Taken 0

Distinction between private and public companies - class-XI

distinction between private and public companies
Ques 89 0 Taken 0

Private and public companies - class-X

private and public companies
Ques 89 0 Taken 0

Meaning and definition - class-X

meaning and definition
Ques 30 0 Taken 0