Tag: calculations and mental strategies 3

Quizzes Related to calculations and mental strategies 3

Conversion of fractions and decimals to percentages - class-VI

conversion of fractions and decimals to percentages
Ques 30 0 Taken 0

Problems on percentage - class-VII

problems on percentage
Ques 44 0 Taken 0

Finding percentage of a number - class-VII

finding percentage of a number
Ques 44 0 Taken 0

How many in all? - class-X

how many in all?
Ques 44 0 Taken 0

Division of a fraction - class-VIII

division of a fraction
Ques 46 0 Taken 0

Estimation in percentages - class-VII

estimation in percentages
Ques 48 0 Taken 0

Finding a percentage or the whole - class-VII

finding a percentage or the whole
Ques 48 0 Taken 0

Multiplication of fraction - class-VI

multiplication of fraction
Ques 105 0 Taken 0

Multiplying a fraction by a whole number - class-VI

multiplying a fraction by a whole number
Ques 105 0 Taken 0

Parts and whole - class-VIII

parts and whole
Ques 106 0 Taken 0