Tag: living world of plants - plant physiology

Questions Related to living world of plants - plant physiology

Which scientists are related with light reaction and what is its site?

  1. Arnon and Hill, grana

  2. Ruben and Kamen, Stroma

  3. Willstatter, Stoll, inner membrane of chloroplast

  4. Calvin and Benson, outer membrane of choloplast

Correct Option: A

Chloroplasts contain an internal system of membranes called thylakoids. The thylakoids may be arranged in stacks called as grana. The thylakoid membranes not arranged in stacks and are in direct contact with chloroplast stroma are called as stroma lamellae. During photosynthesis, light reaction occurs in grana.
Hill conducted experiments on isolated chloroplasts, having some oxidants like ferricyanide and benzoquinone (Hill reagents). By placing them in sunlight, he noticed evolution of oxygen from water. Hill concluded that if there was hydrogen acceptor in the medium, it would have been reduced. Arnon in 1951, 1954, repeated the experiment with isolated chloroplast and concluded that -
(i) The hydrogen acceptor present in plants is NADP. It is reduced to $NADPH _2$.
(II) An ADP molecule is converted to ATP in light by utilizing inorganic phosphorous. This phenomenon is called as photophosphorylation.

Root pressure theory was supported by

  1. Dixon

  2. Stephen Hales

  3. Levitt

  4. Sachs

Correct Option: B
Root pressure theory was proposed by Prisetley and supported by Stephen Hales. Root pressure is defined as the pressure created in the xylem of the roots when the rate of absorption is greater than the rate of transpiration. The xylem sap is hypertonic to the water present in the soil as the xylem sap has high concentration of ions. This difference in the concentration allows the movement of water from high concentration in the soil  to the low concentration in the roots which creates a hydrostatic pressure in the roots known as root pressure.
So, the correct answer is option B.

Conversion of light energy into chemical energy within the plant body was first stated by?

  1. Mayer and Anderson

  2. Calvin

  3. Robert Mayer

  4. Willstatter and Stoll

Correct Option: C

Robert Mayer, 1942, gave a very important concept in which he stated that plants convert light power (light energy) into chemical difference (chemical energy).

Who is called as 'father of Indian plant physiology'?

  1. J. C. Bose

  2. Calvin

  3. R. Mishra

  4. K. K. Nanda

Correct Option: A

Jagadish Chandra Bose, made pioneering contributions in many fields, like maths, physics, biology, botany, archaeology etc. He invented crescograph for measuring plant growth. He is generally regarded as 'father of indian plant physiology'.

Process of photophosphorylation was first given by

  1. Hill

  2. Willstatter and Stoll

  3. Arnon

  4. Park 

Correct Option: C

Photophosphorylation is synthesis of ATP from ADP in presence of light in the chloroplast. It is also called as photosynthetic phosphorylation. It was discovered by Arnon in 1954. Arnon gave difference between two types of photophosphorylation, cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation. He gave resemblance of photophosphorylation with oxidative phosphorylation. The difference between the two is in photophosphorylation ATP is synthesized using light energy whereas in oxidative phosphorylation, ATP is synthesized using chemical energy. 

Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

Bio-chemical phase in photosynthesis was first discovered by

  1. Calvin

  2. Blackman

  3. Arnon

  4. Hill

Correct Option: A

Photosynthesis occurs in two stages in a cell. In the first stage, light-dependent reactions capture the energy of light and use it to make the energy-storage and transport molecules ATP and NADPH. The light-independent Calvin cycle uses the energy from short-lived electronically excited carriers to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds that can be used by the organism (and by animals that feed on it). This set of reactions is also called as carbon fixation. The key enzyme of the cycle is called as RuBisCO. The Calvin cycle or reductive pentose phosphate cycle or $C _3$ cycle is a series of biochemical redox reactions that take place in the stroma of chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms. 

The cycle was discovered by Melvin Calvin, James Bassham and Andrew Benson at the University of California, Berkeley by using the radioactive isotope carbon-14. 

Which of the following was used during discovery of Calvin cycle?

  1. Spirogya

  2. Volvox

  3. Chlamydomonas

  4. Chlorella

Correct Option: D

Carbon fixation pathway in C$ _{3}$ plants was discovered by Calvin, Benson and Basham in unicellular alga Chlorella using C-14 labelled carbon dioxide. They fed radiolabelled carbon dioxide to alga and killed algal cells and isolated the organic compounds at various time intervals, through co-chromatography technique in order to decipher the various compounds into which carbon radio label travels.

The term photorespiration was coined by

  1. Decker and Tio.

  2. Julius von Sachs.

  3. Rouhani.

  4. O-leri.

Correct Option: A

Photorespiration is the process of uptake of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide in the light by the photosynthesising tissue. It was discovered by Dicker and Tio (1959), when they observed that the rate of respiration of green leaves is much higher in light than in the dark.

Who among the following scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1961 for tracing the path of carbon in photosynthesis?

  1. Huber

  2. Calvin

  3. Hatch

  4. Rubin

Correct Option: B

Melvin Ellis Calvin was an American chemist most famed for discovering the Calvin cycle along with Andrew Benson and James Bassham, for which he was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

The scientist, who proved that bacteria use $H _{2}S$ gas and $CO _{2}$ to synthesize carbohydrate is

  1. Van Niel

  2. Ruben

  3. Jean Senebier

  4. Julius Robert Mayer

Correct Option: A

In 1930 C.B Van Niel proved that, sulphur bacteria use $H _{2}S$ and $CO _{2}$ to synthesize carbohydrates as follows:

$6CO _{2}+12H _{2}S\rightarrow C _{6}H _{12}O _{6}+6H _{2}O+12S$

This led Van Niel to the postulation that in green plants, water $(H _{2}O)$ is utilized in place of $H _{2}S$ and $O _{2}$ is evolved in place of sulphur. He indicated that water is electron donor in photosynthesis.

$6CO _{2}+12H _{2}O\rightarrow C _{6}H _{12}O _{6}+6H _{2}O+6O _{2}$