Tag: reformation in kerala

Questions Related to reformation in kerala

'Samapanthibhojanam' a practice started by Vaikunda Swamikal involved _____________. 

  1. Communal cooking and dining irrespective of caste.

  2. Communal living irrespective of caste.

  3. Communal bathing irrespective of caste.

  4. Communal praying irrespective of caste.

Correct Option: A

Many social evils like the denial of equal opportunity and exploitation prevailed in Kerala due to rigid caste hierarchy. Discrimination was apparent in clothing, occupation, dwellings, language and even names. Women were denied equal opportunities. It is this social condition that prompted Swami Vivekananda to describe Kerala as a 'lunatic asylum'.

Evil customs and practices existed in all parts of India and the social reform movements that were organized to eradicate them. Vaikunta Swamikal was one of the earlier social reformers in Kerala. He was born at Shastamkoyil in Kanyakumari.

During that period, the Avarnas (lower caste people) were prohibited from drawing water from the wells used by the Savarnas (upper caste people). Vaikunta Swamikal challenged this social abuse by digging wells, which were free for use by everyone irrespective of caste. He also began the practice of inter-dining (Samapanthibhojanam) where people collected and cooked rice, cereals and vegetables and dined together, irrespective of their caste.

Who was responsible for starting 'Samapanthibhojanam' -  the practice of inter-dining?

  1. Chattampi Swamikal

  2. Vaikunta Swamikal

  3. Ayyankali

  4. Shri Narayan Guru

Correct Option: B

Evil customs and practices existed in all parts of India and the social reform movements that were organized to eradicate them. Vaikunta Swamikal was one of the earlier social reformers in Kerala. He was born at Shastamkoyil in Kanyakumari.
During that period, the Avarnas (lower caste people) were prohibited from drawing water from the wells used by the Savarnas (upper caste people). Vaikunta Swamikal challenged this social abuse by digging wells, which were free for use by everyone irrespective of caste. He also began the practice of inter-dining (Samapanthibhojanam) where people collected and cooked rice, cereals and vegetables and dined together, irrespective of their caste.

With respect to pre-reformative Kerala, what does the term 'Avarnas' refer to?

  1. Outcaste people

  2. Upper caste people

  3. Lower caste people

  4. Marginalized people

Correct Option: C

Evil customs and practices existed in all parts of India and the social reform movements that were organized to eradicate them. Vaikunta Swamikal was one of the earlier social reformers in Kerala. He was born at Shastamkoyil in Kanyakumari.
During that period, the Avarnas (lower caste people) were prohibited from drawing water from the wells used by the Savarnas (upper caste people). Vaikunta Swamikal challenged this social abuse by digging wells, which were free for use by everyone irrespective of caste. He also began the practice of inter-dining (Samapanthibhojanam) where people collected and cooked rice, cereals and vegetables and dined together, irrespective of their caste.

With respect to pre-reformative Kerala, what does the term 'Savarnas' refer to?

  1. Outcaste people

  2. Lower caste people

  3. Upper caste people

  4. Marginalized people

Correct Option: C

Which of the following evils was not present in pre-reformation Kerala society?

  1. Caste discrimination

  2. Gender Discrimination

  3. Denial of equal opportunity

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Many social evils like the denial of equal opportunity and exploitation prevailed in Kerala due to rigid caste hierarchy. Discrimination was apparent in clothing, occupation, dwellings, language and even names. Women were denied equal opportunities. It is this social condition that prompted Swami Vivekananda to describe Kerala as a 'lunatic asylum'.
Evil customs and practices existed in other parts of India and the social reform movements that were organized to eradicate them. Similarly, during the same period, several social reform movements were formed in Kerala as well to tackle them.

What according to Sree Narayana Guru was the caste of humanity? 

  1. Being humane

  2. Being responsible

  3. Brotherhood

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Many social evils like the denial of equal opportunity and exploitation prevailed in Kerala due to rigid caste hierarchy. Discrimination was apparent in clothing, occupation, dwellings, language and even names. Women were denied equal opportunities. It is this social condition that prompted Swami Vivekananda to describe Kerala as a 'lunatic asylum'.
During this period, several social reform movements were formed in Kerala to tackle them. Sree Narayana Guru who was one of the social reformers in Kerala. Elimination of the caste system was the primary aim of Guru's social activities. He toiled for communal harmony. The declaration of Guru that the caste of humanity is being humane, created new waves in the society. His aim was to mould the society into a civilised one.

What was the primary aim of Narayana Guru's social activities?

  1. Well being of human society

  2. Secure temple entry to all the people

  3. Elimination of the caste system

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Many social evils like the denial of equal opportunity and exploitation prevailed in Kerala due to rigid caste hierarchy. Discrimination was apparent in clothing, occupation, dwellings, language and even names. Women were denied equal opportunities. It is this social condition that prompted Swami Vivekananda to describe Kerala as a 'lunatic asylum'.

During this period, several social reform movements were formed in Kerala to tackle them. 
Sree Narayana Guru who was one of the social reformers in Kerala. Elimination of the caste system was the primary aim of Gurus social activities. He toiled for communal harmony.

Who founded the organization - 'Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham'?

  1. Ayyankali

  2. Vaikunta Swamikal

  3. Chattampi Swamikal

  4. Sree Narayana Guru

Correct Option: A

Several social reform movements were formed in pre-reformative Kerala to tackle social evils. Ayyankali was a reformer who strived for the uplift of the depressed classes. He recognized that education is an investment in resolving social inequalities and to improve the social status of the depressed classes.
He was born at Venganur in Thiruvananthapuram district. Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham was the organization he founded for his reform activities.

What were the aims of the organization 'Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham' founded by Ayyankali?

  1. The right of Avarnas to walk freely along the public roads.

  2. School admission of the students from depressed classes.

  3. Better wages for labourers.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Several social reform movements were formed in pre-reformative Kerala to tackle social evils. Ayyankali was a reformer who strived for the uplift of the depressed classes. He recognized that education is an investment in resolving social inequalities and to improve the social status of the depressed classes.
He was born at Venganur in Thiruvananthapuram district. Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham was the organization he founded for his reform activities. The aims of the organization were:

  • The right of Avarnas to walk freely along the public roads,
  • School admission of the students from depressed classes and
  • Better wages for labourers.

What was the aim of the Kallumala Samaram or the Kallumala Agitation?

  1. To gain the right to wear ornaments.

  2. To gain the right to cover the upper body.

  3. To gain the right to enter a temple.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: A

Ayyankali was a reformer who strived for the uplift of the depressed classes. He recognized that education is an investment in resolving social inequalities and to improve the social status of the depressed classes.He was born at Venganur in Thiruvananthapuram district. Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham was the organization he founded for his reform activities. The aims of the organization were:

  • The right of Avarnas to walk freely along the public roads,
  • School admission of the students from depressed classes and
  • Better wages for labourers
Kallumaala Samaram: The womenfolk of the depressed classes used to wear kallumaalas (stone chain). Ayyankali called upon them to give up the kallumaalas, which was a symbol of inferior status.