Tag: the middle ages

Questions Related to the middle ages

The land held by the vassal was considered as a _________ given by the ruler.

  1. Gift

  2. Amusement

  3. Crown Property

  4. None of there

Correct Option: A

Fill in the blanks
After the death of __________ the Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, Europe plunged into chaos.

  1. Nobles

  2. Vassal

  3. Charlemagne

  4. Homage

Correct Option: C

What was the ancient name of Tokyo?

  1. Ado

  2. Edo

  3. Pdo

  4. Ddo

Correct Option: B

Edo is the ancient name for Tokyo. During the reign of the Tokugawa Shoguns, Japan's emperor reigned in secluded majesty at the imperial capital in Kyoto. However, the true center of power, government, the economy and social life was Edo, where the Shogun lived and ruled the country. For most people in Japan, Edo is more than just a historical city. It also has a symbolic image and meaning. It represents nearly everything that they consider a part of their traditional culture.

Western European feudalism in the 500-1000 C.E. period can be BEST described as ______________________.

  1. A political system that produced highly centralized monarchies by the 8th century C.E.

  2. A political and social system in which nobility held lands given by the monarchy in exchange for military service.

  3. An economic and social system that established the relationship between landlords and their serfs.

  4. A brief and largely insufficient attempt to regain political stability after the turmoil of the Germanic invasions.

  5. A political and social system that was purely local and involved no centralized monarchial government.

Correct Option: B,C

The cultural bankruptcy of Europe during the Middle Ages is often referred to as _________ Age.

  1. Dark

  2. Bright

  3. Black

  4. Golden

Correct Option: A

Due to the cultural bankruptcy the Middle Ages is also called

  1. Bright Age

  2. Dark Age

  3. Black Age

  4. Golden Age

Correct Option: B

The powerful ruling dynasties that emerged in countries like ___________ during the ${15}^{th}$ century weakened the feudal system.

  1. Rome, Italy and Greece

  2. France, England and Spain

  3. Germany, Turkey and Austria

  4. Germany, Switzerland and Holland

Correct Option: B

The feudalism was a institution of administration based on which of the following?

  1. The contractual relationship between the land holders.

  2. The tenure of the land and the contractual relationship between the land holders.

  3. The tenure of the land and the contractual relationship between the vendors.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Feudalism gave economic and political powers to the feudal lords. The king gave the land to the nobles who donated small areas of lands to their subordinates. It was an agreement between the powerful and the weak. Feudalism became popular in all sections and institutions of the European society.

The Middle Ages in Europe began with the fall of the __________ Empire.

  1. Roman

  2. Italian

  3. German

  4. British

Correct Option: A

The rise of barbaric tribes in Europe led to the emergence of

  1. Feudal system

  2. Social revolution

  3. Religious reformation

  4. Renaissance

Correct Option: A