Tag: the paths traversed by life

Questions Related to the paths traversed by life

Mark the incorrect statement:-
(A) About $3-4$ mya, man like primates are taller than $4$ feet and walked upright.
(B) Australopithecus, hunted with stone and ate meat.
(C) Pre historic cave arts were developed by Homo sapiens.
(D) Homo erectus probably did not ate meat.

  1. A, B, C

  2. A, B D

  3. A, C, D

  4. A, B, C, D

Correct Option: A

Why is similarity misleading when it comes to inferring evolutionary relationships?

  1. Organisms that look alike may be very distantly related to one another.

  2. Similarities between two species may be due to common descent, without indicating how closely the two are related to one another.

  3. A and B only.

  4. The presence of a shared derived character state is often misleading when it comes to inferring relationships between species .

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is not an example of a macro evolutionary process?

  1. One lion species splits to form two lion species over geological time.

  2. The same trait evolves independently in two different taxa (e.g. wings in birds and in insects).

  3. As a result of their activities, humans drive Dodos (a bird species) extinct.

  4. Over a short period of time, the frequency of a single gene declines from 10 to 8%.

Correct Option: D

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given .
DNA nucleotide differences between organisms

  1. indicate that evolution occurs

  2. indicate how closely related organisms are

  3. explain why there are phenotypic differences

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D
At the most basic level, living organisms share:
  • The same genetic material (DNA)
  • The same, or highly similar, genetic codes
  • The same basic process of gene expression (transcription and translation)
  • The same molecular building blocks, such as amino acids.
These shared features suggest that all living things are descended from a common ancestor and that this ancestor had DNA as its genetic material, used the genetic code, and expressed its genes by transcription and translation. Present-day organisms all share these features because they were "inherited" from the ancestor (and because any big changes in this basic machinery would have broken the basic functionality of cells). 
However, not all nucleotide or their sequence in DNA is the same among organisms. Rather this difference is what makes them different from each other. These sequences are expressed to result in different phenotypes. Also, closely related organisms show less difference among their nucleotides. These organisms gradually diverged from each other resulting in a new species at some point in time. 
So, the correct option is 'All of these'.

Type of selection operating in:

(i) Average weight of the new born - X.

(ii) Industrial melanism - Y.

(iii) Sunflower population in Sacramento valley of California - Z.

Here if X, Y and Z are representing the types of natural selection, then X, Y and Z will be:

  1. X - Directional selection, Y - Balancing selection, Z - Diversifying selection.

  2. X - Balancing selection, Y - Directional selection, Z - Diversifying selection.

  3. X - Diversifying selection, Y - Balancing selection, Z - Directional selection.

  4. X - Diversifying selection, Y - Directional selection, Z - Balancing selection.

Correct Option: B

Precipitation test gives evidences from 

  1. Comparative embryology

  2. Comparative anatomy

  3. Comparative serology

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Nuttal performed antigen-antibody test /blood precipitation test / serological test to establish inter relationship among different animal groups. The test is based on the fact that injection of mismatched / foreign blood initiates antibody production. Injection of human blood into rabbit initiates antibody production; this antihuman serum from rabbit is poured into different organisms. The closer is the organism to human, the more the precipitate formation with antihuman serum. Thus, anthropoid apes produce large amount of precipitate with anti human serum as compared to monkey and dog. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Hugo de Vries' contribution is :

  1. Theory of Natural selection

  2. Theory of Mutations

  3. Law of Dominance

  4. Law of segregation

Correct Option: B

Hugo de Vries gave a theory of evolution, called 'Mutation theory' which states that evolution is a jerky process where new varieties and species are formed by mutation.

So. the correct answer is 'Theory of Mutation'

The tendency of a large population to remain in genetic equilibrium can n be disturbed by

  1. Presence of random mating

  2. Lack of gene migration

  3. Lack of mutations

  4. Presence of selective mating

Correct Option: D
For a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium five conditions must be met :
1. Population must be very large.
2. Population must be isolated from other populations (no immigration or emigration).
3. No mutations
4. Random mating
5. No natural selection
Non-random/selective/assortative mating causes more expression of recessive phenotypes.
So, the correct option is 'Presence of selective mating'.