Tag: elements of success in business and qualities of a successful businessman

Questions Related to elements of success in business and qualities of a successful businessman

Not every business needs an Entrepreneur, but every business needs an Intrapreneur.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Partly true

  4. None of above

Correct Option: A

Intrapreneurship is like acting as an entrepreneur within the organization. Intrapreneurship is a step towards entrepreneurship. It focuses on self motivation and resolving a specific issues which ultimately helps in achieving the major goals. It focuses on minor goals and hence helps to achieve the entrepreneurship goals in long run. Without the minor goals the major goals cannot be achieved. So, intrapreneur are important for a business.

Internprenueship is a combination of ____________.

  1. entrepreneurship

  2. management skills

  3. entrepreneurship and management skills

  4. none of above

Correct Option: C

Intrapreneurship is like acting as an entrepreneur within the organization. Intrapreneurship is a step towards entrepreneurship. It focuses on self motivation and resolving a specific issues which ultimately helps in achieving the major goals. It focuses on minor goals and hence helps to achieve the entrepreneurship goals in long run. It is a combination of entrepreneurship and management skills.

" A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation is ____________".

  1. an entrepreneur

  2. an intrapreneur

  3. an enterprise

  4. an inter manager

Correct Option: B

Intrapreneurship is like acting as an entrepreneur within the organization. Intrapreneurship is a step towards entrepreneurship. It focuses on self motivation and resolving a specific issues which ultimately helps in achieving the major goals. It focuses on minor goals and hence helps to achieve the entrepreneurship goals in long run.

Key charcteristic(s) of Intrapreneurship ____________.

  1. it promotes the managers to be more innovative and take more responsibility while demonstrating charismatic leadership qualities.

  2. intrapreneurship projects are funded by large business organisation and agreed percentage of profits are remitted to the fund provider / head quarters of the business.

  3. intrapreneurship will cultivate entrepreneurial skills / culture within the corporate culture where managers will be motivated to accept more risk.

  4. all of above.

Correct Option: D

Intrapreneurship is being an entrepreneur inside or within the organization. Intrapreneurship will cultivate entrepreneurial skills/culture within the corporate culture where managers will be motivated to accept more risk.

Ir promotes the managers to be more innovative and take more responsibility while demonstrating charismatic leadership qualities and intrapreneurship projects are funded by large business houses and agreed percentage of profits are remitted to the fund provider.

Management consultant ___________  author of the 1985 book entitled Intrapreneuring.

  1. Maslow

  2. Schumpeter

  3. Peter Drucker

  4. Gifford Pinchot

Correct Option: D

Intrapreneurship is like acting as an entrepreneur within the organization. Intrapreneurship is a step towards entrepreneurship. Gifford Pinchot is the author of the 1985 book entitled intrapreneuring.

Intrapreneur faces competition from ___________.

  1. entrepreneurs

  2. managers

  3. employees within the organization

  4. all the above

Correct Option: C

Intrapreneurship is like acting as an entrepreneur within the organization. Intrapreneurship is a step towards entrepreneurship. It focuses on self motivation and resolving a specific issues which ultimately helps in achieving the major goals. It focuses on minor goals and hence helps to achieve the entrepreneurship goals in long run. It is a combination of entrepreneurship and management skills.

A person within a company who takes a leadership role and is positioned to help ensure the success of an idea or innovation is often referred to as a __________.

  1. supporter

  2. champion

  3. leader

  4. evangelis

Correct Option: B

A Champion is the person who is responsible or is able to achieve success. A person within a company who takes a leadership role and is positioned to help ensure the success of an idea or innovation is often referred to as a Champion.

Which of the following is a characteristic of intrepreneurship?
X. Intrapreneurship is a risk taking factor, which is responsible for the end result in the form of profit or loss
Y. It cultivates entrepreneurial skills
Z. Its followers are called managers.
Correct option is _________.

  1. X and Y

  2. Y and Z

  3. X and Z

  4. X, Y and Z

Correct Option: B

A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation, is an _________.

  1. intrepreneur

  2. entrepreneur

  3. manager

  4. improver

Correct Option: A

According to our discussion, what is the best way a government can support entrepreneurs?

  1. Ensure for access to smart capital

  2. Provides advice and information at one stop shop

  3. Have access to right skill

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D