Tag: mass media and history

Questions Related to mass media and history

Who started the Journal called Asiatic Researches?

  1. James Mill

  2. William Jones

  3. William Adam

  4. Thomas Macaulay

Correct Option: B

William Jones Jones set up the Asiatic Society of Bengal and started a journal called Asiatic Researches. The aim was to discover ancient Indian heritage and translate Sanskrit and Persian works into English.

Which country is considered as precursors of newspaper.

  1. India

  2. England

  3. Egypt

  4. America

Correct Option: C

Which was the first company to start the broadcasting of daily programmes?

  1. Indian Broadcasting Company

  2. Indian state Broadcasting Service

  3. Indian Broadcasting service

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Indian Broadcasting Company Limited is a Non-govt company, incorporated on 30 Jun 1926. It's a public unlisted company and is classified as 'company limited by guarantee'. According to an agreement on 23 July 1927, the private Indian Broadcasting Company Ltd (IBC) was authorized to operate two radio stations: the Bombay station which began on 23 July 1927, and the Calcutta station which followed on 26 August 1927. The company went into liquidation on 1 March 1930. Hence, Option A is correct. Among the rest, Indian State Broadcasting Service (ISBS) began on 1 April 1930 on an experimental basis for two years, and permanently in May 1932 it then went on to become All India Radio on 8 June 1936. In April 1930, the Indian Broadcasting Service, under the Department of Industries and Labour, commenced its operations on an experimental basis. Since none of these were inaugurated before the 1930s, hence, these are incorrect. 

Identify the name of the gentleman, who started The First English Newspaper of India.

  1. Balshashtri Jambhekar

  2. Bhau Mahajan

  3. James Augustus Hickey

  4. Sir John Marshal

Correct Option: C

The first newspaper of India was started by James Augustus Hickey on 29th January 1780 and it was known as Bengal Gazette.

During the reign of Julius Caesar the newspaper was known as Acta Diurna.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The first newspaper in Telugu was _____.

  1. Eenadu

  2. Vaartha

  3. Krishna Patrika

  4. Andhra Jyothi

Correct Option: C

Krishna Patrika was the first newspaper in Telugu Language. It was the most noteworthy weekly started in the year 1902 by the Krishna District Association. It is regarded as an epoch-maker in political journalism in Telugu. Konda Venkatappayya, for his part in the nationalist movement, took up the main responsibility and run the journal.

Which among the following was the first English newspaper in India?

  1. Bengal Gazette

  2. Darpan

  3. Kesari

  4. Prabhakar

Correct Option: A

Hicky's Bengal Gazette or the Original Calcutta General Advertiser was an English language weekly newspaper published in Kolkata, the capital of British India. It was the first newspaper printed in Asia in 1780 and was published for two years before the East India Company seized the newspaper's types and printing press in 1782. Hence, Option A is correct. Among the rest, Samachar Darpan was a Bengali weekly newspaper published by the Baptist Missionary Society and published on 23 May 1818 from the Baptist Mission Press at Serampore in the first half of the 19th century. Kesari is a Marathi newspaper which was founded in 1881 by Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a prominent leader of the Indian Independence movement. Sambad Prabhakar was a Bengali daily newspaper founded by Ishwar Chandra Gupta. It began as a weekly newspaper in 1831 and became a daily eight years later in 1839. Since none of these were published in the 1700s, these are incorrect. 

Television is a ___________ medium.

  1. audio-visual

  2. visual

  3. audio

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Mass Media contains two words -

  • Mass - means an aggregation of people
  • Media - various modes of communication
So, Mass Media is a field of mass communication.
Is the above given statement true or false

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

___________ become the first mass medium of circulating information and knowledge among people.

  1. Radio

  2. Newspaper

  3. Novels

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B