Tag: meaning and definition of transport

Questions Related to meaning and definition of transport

They represent the conveyances. What are they?

  1. Infrastructure

  2. Networks

  3. Modes

  4. Flow

Correct Option: C

They represent the conveyances, They represents 'modes'. Conveyance or modes can be defined as a process of transporting or carrying someone or something from one place to another in order to facilitate basic operations of an economy.

Movements of people, freight and information over their respective networks show the ______.

  1. Flow

  2. Network

  3. Infrastructure

  4. Mode

Correct Option: A

Movement of people, freight and information over their respective networks show the flow. This flow systems help to improve the quality of transport services by aggregating and analyzing passenger movement data, and site data from trains and stations.

A system of linked locations that are used to represent the functional and spatial organization of transportation is ______.

  1. Network

  2. Infrastructure

  3. Mode

  4. Flow

Correct Option: A

A system of linked locations that are used to represent the functional and spatial organization of transportation is network. Transport network can be defined as a framework of routes linking different locations. It helps to describe a structure which permits movement of vehicles or flow of some commodity.

_________ is the physical support of transport modes, where routes (e.g. rail tracks, canals or highways) and terminals (e.g. ports or airports) are the most significant components.

  1. Modes

  2. Infrastructure

  3. Networks

  4. Flows

Correct Option: B

Infrastructure is the physical support of transport modes, where routes (e.g. rail tracks, canals or highways) and terminals (e.g. ports or airports) are the most significant components. Infrastructure can be defined as organizational or physical structures which help to facilitate basic operations in an economy.

_____________ makes goods available to the consumer from the place of production.

  1. Communication

  2. Transportation

  3. Warehousing

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B
  • Transportation comprises freight services together with supporting and auxiliary services by all modes of transportation i.e., rail, road, air and sea for the movement of goods and international carriage of passengers.
  • Transportation removes the hindrance of place, i.e., it makes goods available to the consumer from the place of production.

Having no personalized service is a disadvantage of which of the following forms of transport? Also, identify the disadvantage __________________.

  1. Air: International restrictions

  2. Water; Perils of sea

  3. Road; Uneconomical

  4. Railway; Government monopoly

Correct Option: D

Having no personalized service is a disadvantage of railway; government monopoly forms of transport. Railway does not offer any personalized service to any of the customers. It serves the public equally. No extra facility is given to any individual.

Capacity of loading and unloading goods and services is more in which means of transport?

  1. Rail

  2. Road

  3. Air

  4. Water

Correct Option: A

Railways and Roadways are the only means of transportation over land. Railways have an advantage over roadways that, they can carry a large number of passengers as well as heavy loads to a long distances. 

Also the journey by train is more comfortable and economical.

Highest cost of transportation is the disadvantage of ______ mode of transportation.

  1. Water

  2. Road

  3. Rail

  4. Air

Correct Option: D

Highest cost of transportation is the disadvantage of air mode of transportation. Air transport facilitates mobility of men and material by air. It is the fastest mode of transport. Air transport is very useful to travel long distance and it saves time as well.

Transportation through ______ is the slowest among others.

  1. Air

  2. Road

  3. Water

  4. Rail

Correct Option: C

Water transportation is the least expensive and slowest mode of freight transport. It is generally used to transport heavy products over long distances when speed is not an issue.The main advantage of water transportation is that it can move products all over the world.