Tag: disaster management: responding to disasters

Questions Related to disaster management: responding to disasters

Cyclones, floods, landslides, etc., are __________.

  1. Natural disasters

  2. Man-made disaster

  3. Divine reprisals

  4. Effects of environmental pollution

Correct Option: A

A ______ is an event which causes enormous physical damage to property, huge loss of life and drastic change in the environment.

  1. mishap

  2. hazard

  3. disaster

  4. accident

Correct Option: C

A Disaster is an event which causes enormous physical damage to property, huge loss of life and drastic change in the environment. The economic, social and cultural life of the people is affected and they need external help for food, shelter, medicine, financial and social support to overcome the disaster. Disaster is classified according to the origin as natural and man-made Disaster.

Hazard ______.

  1. is a dangerous event

  2. causes injury, loss of life

  3. cause damage to property

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

All of these

A dangerous event that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption and, environmental damage is known as a hazard. A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone. 

Which of the following is not a natural disaster?

  1. Floods

  2. Deforestation

  3. Drought

  4. Earthquake

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not an example of natural disaster?

  1. Floods

  2. Earthquake

  3. Terrorist attack

  4. Tsunami

Correct Option: C

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence by a person or group. The goal is to intimidate or coerce societies or governments in an effort to promote political or ideological beliefs. These attacks can take many forms, and could happen at any time in any place. Terrorists typically exploit vulnerabilities, and may use technology, hazardous materials, biological agents or other methods to create devastating disruptions to the community.

Of the following which is a natural hazard?

  1. Earthquake

  2. Cyclone

  3. Landslide

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Components of recovery are _________.

  1. Prevention

  2. Alert

  3. Transfer and financing

  4. Rehabilitation and reconstruction

Correct Option: D

Recovery is an integral component of fire management and involves wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and restoration of areas damaged during fire suppression operations, restoration of park infrastructure or personal property damaged by fire and recovery of the local community when a fire has had an impact on the economic or social wellbeing of the community (e.g. effect on power or water supply, access, stock or income).

UNDP is ________.

  1. United Nations Disaster Protection

  2. United Nations Development Programme

  3. United Nations Disaster Prevention

  4. United Nations Disaster Preparedness

Correct Option: B

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's global development network with its headquarters in New York City, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP works in five main areas: democratic governance, poverty reduction, crisis prevention and recovery, environment and energy, and HIV/AIDS.

Mitigation is included in which of the following areas of risk management?

  1. Risk identification

  2. Risk reduction

  3. Recovery

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Disaster risk reduction includes disciplines like disaster management, disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness, but DRR is also part of sustainable development. In order for development activities to be sustainable they must also reduce disaster risk. On the other hand, unsound development policies will increase disaster risk - and disaster losses. Thus, DRR involves every part of society, every part of government, and every part of the professional and private sector

Structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of natural hazards, environmental degradation and technological hazards is called

  1. Alleviation

  2. Mitigation

  3. Conservation

  4. Conversion

Correct Option: B

Mitigation is also used to assess structural and non-structural measures undertaken to reduce possible damage at a level which does not harm people and property, according to codes or "accepted practice" based, among other issues, on a known probability of hazard.