Tag: properties of a magnetic field

Questions Related to properties of a magnetic field

Identify the methods by which a magnet can be demagnetized.

  1. Heating a magnet strongly

  2. Repeated hammering of the magnet

  3. Storing it aligned with the N-S direction

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A,B

Methods by which a magnet can be demagnetized can be given as mentioned below: 
$(1)$ Heating a magnet strongly
$(2)$ Hammering the magnet several times or repeated hammering
$(3)$ By passing an alternating current through the magnet
Hence, the correct options $(A)$ and $(B)$.

Identify when the magnet looses their property?

  1. On hammering

  2. On beating

  3. On dropping it from certain height

  4. When used in electric circuits

Correct Option: A,B,C

The magnet can loose it property heating, by hammering and by using demagnetizing field we can demagnetize a magnet,On dropping it from certain height.

Image result for when the magnet looses their property

Which all things can be used to make a magnet?

  1. Iron nail

  2. Needle

  3. Blade

  4. Wood

Correct Option: A,B,C

Materials that can be magnetized, which are also the ones that are strongly attracted to a magnet, are called ferromagnetic (or ferrimagnetic). These include iron, nickel, cobalt, some alloys of rare-earth metals, and some naturally occurring minerals such as lodestone.

A magnet can be easily turned into a ______ by excessive heating. Fill in the blank.

  1. Electromagnet

  2. Permanent Magnet

  3. Temporary Magnet

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

A magnet can be easily turned into a permanent magnet by excessive heating.

Rock of material which attract is termed as

  1. magnet

  2. magnetite

  3. magnesia

  4. magnetic

Correct Option: B

Which of the following process are used to make a magnet?

  1. Casting of magnetic material

  2. Pressing and sintering of magnetic material

  3. Extruding of magnetic material

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Casting of a magnetic material, pressing and sintering of magnetic material and extruding of magnetic material are the processes used for making permanent magnets.

Which of the following cannot be used to make a magnet?

  1. Cobalt

  2. Iron

  3. Ebonite

  4. Steel

Correct Option: C

Iron, cobalt and steel are ferromagnetic materials which can be used to make magnet but ebonite cannot be used to make magnets.

______ is the only natural magnet. Fill in the blank.

  1. Magnetite

  2. Ebonite

  3. Cobalt

  4. Nickel

Correct Option: A

Among the following options, magnetite is the only natural magnet.

A substance consisting of a coil of wire with an iron core and is only magnetized when an electric current flows through it is called :

  1. Magnet

  2. Electromagnet

  3. Coil

  4. Battery

Correct Option: B

The phenomenon of converting a substance into a magnet by flowing an electric current through a coil around it is known as electromagnetism and the magnet so formed is known as electromagnet.

All magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties when :

  1. Dipped in water

  2. Dipped in oil

  3. Brought near a piece of iron

  4. Strongly heated

Correct Option: D
All the magnetic material lose their magnetic properties when strongly heated.
Every magnetic materials have a temperature called the curle point; above which they will lose their magnetism.