Tag: primary concept of force and energy

Questions Related to primary concept of force and energy

During winter, clothes tend to stick to our body as an action of ______ force.

  1. electrostatic 

  2. muscular

  3. magnetic

  4. contact

Correct Option: A

Due to electrostatic force clothes tends to stick to our body. 

When an object is rubbed with some materials, it acquires charges and becomes ________ object.

  1. uncharged

  2. charged

  3. neutral

  4. heavy

Correct Option: B

When object is rubbed with some materials it acquires charges. This object is called as charged object and develops electrostatic force.

Gravitational force is a/an ______ force.

  1. repulsive

  2. attractive

  3. contact

  4. neutral

Correct Option: B

Gravitational force is an attractive force as it tends to move all objects towards itself.

Under action of which force does water flow from an open tap towards ground?

  1. Electrostatic force

  2. Magnetic force

  3. Gravitational force

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Objects tend to move downwards to the earth because of gravity of the earth. This force, exerted on the object is known as force of gravity. 

Does moon have its own gravity?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. Not known yet

  4. Only during full moon

Correct Option: B

Gravity is not a property of the earth alone. Every object in the universe exerts a force on every other object. This is called gravitational force. Naturally, moon also has its own gravity.