Tag: stars

Questions Related to stars

What type of star is our Sun? 

  1. low-mass star

  2. intermediate-mass star

  3. high-mass star

  4. blackhole

Correct Option: A

Stars are sequence can range from a tenth of the mass of the sun to up to $200$ times as massive.

Sun is a low mass star.

What do astronomers mean when they say that we are all "star stuff"? 

  1. that life would be impossible without energy from the Sun

  2. that life would be possible without energy from the Sun

  3. that the carbon, oxygen, and many elements essential to life were created by nucleosynthesis in stellar cores

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The brightness of a star which can be seen from earth is called

  1. absolute magnitude

  2. apparent magnitude

  3. light year

  4. parallax

Correct Option: B

What is the first stage of a stars life.

  1. Nebula collapsing under itself

  2. Supernova of old star

  3. Planets collapsing

  4. Fusion of atoms

Correct Option: A

A star is a luminous globe of gas producing its own heat and light by nuclear reactions (nuclear fusion). They are born from the nebula and consist mostly of hydrogen and helium gas. Surface temperatures range from 2000 C to above 30,000 C, and the corresponding colors from red to blue-white. 

All stars are born in what phase of their lifecycle?

  1. Supernova

  2. Red giant

  3. main sequence

  4. stellar nebula

Correct Option: D

Nebulae are the collection of massive clouds of dust, hydrogen and helium gas, and plasma. These form the origin of the birth of a star.

What happens during the Main Sequence phase of a star?

  1. Hydrogen atoms are fused into helium atoms

  2. The star explodes and releases energy

  3. Helium atoms are fused into heavy elements

  4. The star is born out of dust and gas

Correct Option: A

Main sequence stars fuse hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms in their cores. About 90 percent of the stars in the universe, including the sun, are main sequence stars. 

A main sequence star is 

  1. A star that shines steadily due to nuclear fusion

  2. Several stars close together

  3. A star with planets orbiting it

  4. A Nebula that skips a protostar and is instantly turns into a star.

Correct Option: A

What is a Star?

  1. A cloud of particles held together loosely by their own collective gravity

  2. A very big collection of matter, mostly gas compressed to incredible pressure and heat by gravity.

  3. A nuclear explosion caused by a growth of hydrogen onto the surface of a white dwarf star

  4. A ball of gas.

Correct Option: B

What is the name of the process that forms heavy elements from atoms like helium?

  1. Nuclear Fission

  2. Attraction

  3. Conjugation

  4. Nuclear Fusion

Correct Option: A

Smaller elements fuse together to form massive elements. this process is known as nuclear fusion

A star in the main sequence will maintain a constant size

  1. as long as its helium supply holds out.

  2. because its tendency to contract is opposed by the pressure of the hot interior.

  3. until it is devoured by black holes.

  4. provided that gravitational collapse does not overwhelm its photosphere.

Correct Option: B

All main sequence stars (including the Sun) are in hydrostatic equilibrium. That is, the inward force of gravity, which tends to compress the star, is balanced by the outward force due to the pressure.