Tag: population dynamics

Questions Related to population dynamics

India accommodates nearly _____ percent of world's population.

  1. $10$

  2. $50$

  3. $17.5$

  4. $45$

Correct Option: C

India is the seventh largest country of the world and world’s most populated nation after China. The total 17.5% population of world is living in just 2.4% area of the world (Census of 2011). According to 2011 Census India is second most populated country of the world after China. India has the population of 1,21,05,69,573 persons. 

Infant Mortality Rate refers to -

  1. Number of children dying before reaching the school going age

  2. Number of children dying reaching 3 years of age

  3. Proportion of children dying within a year of their birth

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Infant Mortality Rate (or IMR) indicates the number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year. Kerala has the lowest Infant Mortality Rate of 12 in India because it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities.

Number of deaths per thousand persons in a year is called the __________.

  1. Death rate

  2. Birth rate

  3. Migration rate

  4. Annual growth rate

Correct Option: A

Death Rate is the number of deaths per thousand persons in a year. 

The service sector in India now accounts for ________.

  1. more than 80 percent of GDP

  2. more than 70 percent of GDP

  3. more than 50 percent of GDP

  4. more than 90 percent of GDP

Correct Option: C

The tertiary sector covers those activities that aid the primary and secondary sectors. It provides services rather than goods and hence, it is also called the service sector. E.g. transportation, education services, telephone, information technology, banking, health services etc.

  • Its Share in India’s GDP is about 55%.

In which state is the Sex-Ratio most favourable to women?

  1. Andhra Pradesh

  2. Uttar Pradesh

  3. Kerala

  4. Karnataka

Correct Option: C

Sex ratio is defined as the number of females per 1000 males in the population. This information is an important social indicator to measure the extent of equality between males and females in a society at a given time. The sex ratio in the country has always remained unfavourable to females. Among Indian states, Kerala has highest sex ratio of 1084 females to 1000 males.

The difference between the birth rate and death rate is called ________.

  1. Natural growth rate

  2. Death rate

  3. Birth rate

  4. Fertility rate

Correct Option: A

There will growth in population, If the birth rate is higher than death rate.The difference between birth rate and the death rate is called natural growth rate of population.

Which of the following has the smallest population?

  1. Myanmar

  2. Canada

  3. Romania

  4. Australia

Correct Option: C

The way in which people are spread across the earth surface is known as the pattern of population distribution. More than 90 per cent of the world’s population lives in about 10 per cent of the land surface. The distribution of population in the world is extremely uneven. Some areas are very crowded and some are sparely populated. The crowded areas are south and south east Asia, Europe and north eastern North America. Very few people live in high latitude areas, tropical deserts, high mountains and areas of equatorial forests. Among the following countries Romania has the smallest population.

A country experiences population explosion when it gets stuck for long in a stage of demographic transition in which-

  1. Birth rate is high and death rate is high.

  2. Birth rate is low and death rate is low.

  3. Death rate falls steeply but the birth rate continues to be high.

  4. Both birth rate and death rate fall steeply.

Correct Option: C

Demographic transition theory can be used to describe and predict the future population of any area. The theory tells us that population of any region changes from high births and high deaths to low births and low deaths as society progresses from rural agrarian and illiterate to urban industrial and literate society. 

Considering death rate, ______ has the lowest death rate and ____ has the highest death is $2007$.

  1. Kerala, Uttar Pradesh

  2. West Bengal, Orissa

  3. Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal

  4. Kerala, Orissa

Correct Option: B

West Bengal has the lowest birth rate of and Orissa has the highest birth rate in $2007$.

Over the years, birth rate in India has ____ and death rate has ___.

  1. Fallen, fallen

  2. Risen, fallen

  3. Risen, risen

  4. Fallen, risen

Correct Option: A

Growth of population refers to the change in the number of inhabitants of a country/territory during a specific period of time, say during the last ten years. Till 1980, high birth rates and declining death rates led to a large difference between birth rates and death rates resulting in higher rates of population growth. Since 1981, birth rates have also started declining gradually, resulting in a gradual decline in the rate of population growth.