Tag: government organisation

Questions Related to government organisation

Which of the following can be categorized as "Departmental Undertakings"?
(1)  Unit Trust of India 
(2)  Bharat Electronics Limited 
(3)  Posts and telegraph 
(4)  Posts and telegraph 
(5)  Food Corporation of India 
  The correct answer is

  1. (1), (2) & (4)

  2. (1), (3) & (5)

  3. (3) & (5)

  4. (2) & (4)

Correct Option: D

Departmental undertakings are established as departments of the ministry and are considered part or an extension of the ministry itself. 

These undertakings may be under the central or state government and the rules of central/ state government are applicable.

The public corporation is suitable for undertakings requiring monopoly powers, eg public utilities.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Partly true

  4. None of above

Correct Option: A
The term public sector undertaking enterprise refers to a Government Company. The government company gets incorporated under the companies act, 1956. All the provisions of companies act are applicable to a government company. Ownership: The government company is wholly or partly owned by the government.

The funds earned are a direct income for the government.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The revenue earned by the departmental undertakings goes directly to the treasury and hence is a source of income for the government. 

Departmental undertakings are subject to accounting and audit that apply to other government activities.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The departmental undertaking is the oldest and traditional form of an organization of the public sector enterprise.It is organized, financed and controlled in such a manner that any other government organization. The undertaking is under the control of a minister who is responsible to the parliament.

The departmental head can take decisions without the permission of the ministry.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The employees or heads of departments of departmental undertakings are not allowed to take independent decisions without the approval of the ministry concerned which leads to delays in matters where prompt decisions are required. 

Departmental undertakings is a part of the private sector group of companies.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The departmental undertaking is the oldest and traditional form of an organization of the public sector enterprise.It is organized, financed and controlled in such a manner that any other government organization. 

The undertaking is under the control of a minister who is responsible to the parliament.